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  1. Fry5150

    NGD: Hell Has Risen (and I couldn't be happier)

    Congrats on the new 8. Did you get it from Guitar Center? That thing is a beast, I was almost considering trading/selling a couple things to get it haha.
  2. Fry5150

    Shure GLXD16 Wireless Pack!?

    I have the GLXD wireless and I love it. I've never had any issues or toneloss with it either. Plus the built in tuner comes in handy and it's pretty accurate too.
  3. Fry5150

    New 9 String Day

    Schecter has really stepped their game up since that. This is my 3rd post 2013 schecter I've had and they all felt good and didn't have a baseball bat for a neck haha.
  4. Fry5150

    New 9 String Day

    I haven't change the strings on it honestly. They don't feel old and it came set up with 009/.012/.016/.024/.034/.042/.056/.080/.100, Although I bought a couple sets of the ernie ball 9 string packs
  5. Fry5150

    New 9 String Day

    From what I understand this model is only available in the US as of right now.
  6. Fry5150

    New 9 String Day

    Also I will try and get some more pics uploaded. Just waiting for things to clear up as the weather sucks right now lol.
  7. Fry5150

    New 9 String Day

  8. Fry5150

    New 9 String Day

    Lol I just noticed that It's thin. Not super thin but not thick at all Having had two schecter 8's with 28 inch scales, The jump wasn't bad at all. Feels very similar. Thanks :hbang: With 9's it fine. Not lose but not super tight.
  9. Fry5150

    New 9 String Day

    The neck is extremely easy to move around on. Thin too, a lot thiner than the neck on the hell raiser C-8 FR I used to own. As far as comparing it to the neck on the rg9qm that I played, I'd say it's a tiny bit wider, About the same thickness on both without the rounded shoulders of an ibanez neck.
  10. Fry5150

    New 9 String Day

    All of my bands material is on 8's so far. We'll be writing with 9 strings on the new stuff we're working on though. They're not too bad, Not as muddy as the 808's and 707's but the 30 inch scale might be to help for that. I might ask Instrumental Pickups if he can make me a 9 string version...
  11. Fry5150

    New 9 String Day

    Got my Schecter Damien Platinum 9 a few days ago. I was debating between this and the Ibanez RG9 but the specs on this seem to suit me better. 30 inch scale, Mahogany body, Hipshot bridge, and Neck thru construction. Playability is great as well. Came set up from the schecter factory as...
  12. Fry5150

    Ibanez RG9. Worth it? (Opinions/Pickup swap options etc).

    I just ordered a Damien Platinum 9 earlier too haha
  13. Fry5150

    Best craigslist deal you have gotten?

    Haven't had much luck on good deals other than a few pedals, Pawn shops are a different story though. Just picked up a 6505 for $300, Also scored a USA Jackson SL2H for $500 and an Ibanez RGA121 for $60, Although that thing was beat lol.