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  1. aturaya

    How do you use compression with djent?

    bulb sed it must be true
  2. aturaya

    Do you edit your rhythm guitars?

    usually if im feeling lazy ill just track it and cut out parts that are supposed to be silent and i pretty much always feel lazy so
  3. aturaya

    Favorite Local Music??

    Both bands played their final show together a few weeks ago.
  4. aturaya

    Believe the Deceiver (AZ Progressive Deathcore)

    That's weird, I guess we only picked parts like that for this sampler. There's plenty of blast beats and a couple slam-ish parts.
  5. aturaya

    Believe the Deceiver (AZ Progressive Deathcore)

    We're opening for Suffocation on 4/7/2013. Also, yes. Our name is very very generic.
  6. aturaya

    What do you enjoy about shows?

    I still don't understand the hate for hardcore dancing/moshing. It's energetic music. Don't you ever listen to a song that's so heavy you just want to beat the shit out of someone instead of just standing there? And from the stage, seeing that your music causes people to move like that is pretty...
  7. aturaya

    What is the lowest any band tunes to?

    He's probably playing the same Ab0. The bass in Danza + Glass Cloud is an octave below, and Josh Travis also hits B0 or B1 or whatever it is on his 9 string. Listen to this. Brutal as fuck.
  8. aturaya

    Cubase or Sonar for drum programming

    Drum programming in Cubase a breeze.
  9. aturaya

    Recording Metal Tone, how do you do it?

    I usually don't use impulses, I just process POD Farm to hell. But when I wasn't too lazy to find impulses that worked for my tones I went through tons of combinations of Catharsis, Gods Cab, GuitarHacks, Kalthallen (most real sounding to me), and Sperimental pack impulses. Just google them. Mix...
  10. aturaya

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    This is as disgusting as that one cattle decapitation video because of the mustard
  11. aturaya

    A little tip/rant for the newer guys

    +1 on the headphones instead of monitors. I just moved into an almost perfectly cubic room and there's literally no group of frequencies on my rokits below 200 hz that are even.
  12. aturaya

    Anyone Interested in Mixing This?

    Yep, give us the public link and i'll whip something up.
  13. aturaya

    Need Advice on a Mix!

    You have one of these right? Just use Line 6 Gearbox
  14. aturaya

    Need Advice on a Mix!

    Why not just use the Pod X3 for the tone instead of Pod Farm? That will literally fix almost all of your mix problems and will sound identical to pod farm.
  15. aturaya

    Need Advice on a Mix!

    Why are you using the Garageband amp sim when you have a Pod X3? Use the POD. It'll sound way better. The guitar tone sounds like it has nothing past like 1000 hz
  16. aturaya

    Don't have a bass to track with.... but will this idea work???

    It works but it kind of sucks. Coincidentally I just made this, which uses Guitar Pro 6 as bass. I just tabbed it out and got a bass tone within GP6 that was okay, then exported it as a wav. The MIDI bass will sound more like a bass than a guitar into a bass amp does, even if you're...
  17. aturaya

    Post Hardcore to Slam mixtest with newly learned gutturals.

    I only made this for the slam. :cool:
  18. aturaya

    Tune from my debut album. How can I mix better next time?

    The first things that I can hear are sloppy playing and pretty weak drums. Half of the playing issues can be fixed by cutting out parts that are supposed to be silent so you don't get string noise. Just make sure you have auto crossfades on. As for the drums, the kick and snare could be a lot...
  19. aturaya

    Help with annoying sound

    If you're talking about the thing at 0:53 it sounds like your pickups are too high or your DI tracks are clipping. Otherwise I don't really know what you're talking about. Could you point out a specific part where you hear "screeching"?