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  1. Duelbart

    Favortie lyrics

    Listen to this two-parter. It's crushing, beautiful and the vocal delivery is simply superb: "So, I take the cards they give me And keep my protest on the inside of my mouth. If the best I can do ain't gonna stop what's coming, What's the point in trying to change how the hand plays out?"...
  2. Duelbart

    Choir-ey music

    Well, if you're talking about that punky "chorus" where several people do the screaming and it's not really melodic, that's not it. I'm thinking about this epic, energetic, harmonised anthem-like vocal melodies :) As for what has been posted thus far, thanks for the suggestions! Imagine...
  3. Duelbart

    Choir-ey music

    Oh, I know and love TDH, but I'm trying to find something else. I used the adjective pompous several times because it's kinda difficult to describe otherwise. I suppose what I want is something that has an anthem-like quality. Apart from those songs I posted, think Bohemian Rhapsody.
  4. Duelbart

    Choir-ey music

    Hello SSO! As always, when I look for new music, I turn to you :) Right now I'm searching for music that has some epic (for a lack of a better word) and pompous vocal work, in particular choir parts! Now, the first example of what I'm looking for may not be in this forum's taste: 1:03...
  5. Duelbart

    World war three safety spots?

    Come to Poland! Particularly if it's Russia or Germany that decides to go batshit! Oh wait :(
  6. Duelbart

    One Month Theory Challenge: A Game

    I really like what you're doing and your motivation looks stellar so far. One thing I may suggest to keep it that way is setting up some small repercussions in case you failed (give your friend 10$ to be returned if you succeed or something like that). Anyway, I wish you good luck!
  7. Duelbart

    New BFMV video... (horrible content)

    I was very surprised - after the shitty riffs and terrible lyrics/vocals, there came a good solo. It reminded me somewhat of Loomis (flames incoming)
  8. Duelbart

    Brutal/Deathcore/Grindcore is NOT Music!- The Butthurt and Misunderstanding is strong

    Grindcore isn't music? He should go listen to some lowercase, musique concrete or noise and think again about the boundaries of sonic art.
  9. Duelbart

    The Hobbit Will Be A TRILOGY

    Just watched it and I liked it, not mind-blowing but very solid. Oh, and I may be one of the dying breed of people that haven't actually read the hobbit, so I have no idea how true the movie was to the story and what will happen next. However, I felt like bursting in laughter at the end at all...
  10. Duelbart

    Bands MOST enhanced by their lyrics?

    As probably most of people here, I tend to listen to my music, especially metal/rock with less focus on lyrics, but La Dispute is one of few bands that I can say I listen to primarily for them. Actually, it's more of a perfect harmony between the vocal delivery and the lyrics. Well, you should...
  11. Duelbart

    Heavy riffs w/o tuning down?

    Besides all the harmonic advice in this thread, listen to this advice from mr Townsend about picking and playing with beat: Starts about third minute.
  12. Duelbart

    Anybody listen to anything other then metal?

    Well, when it comes to hip hop, I've been listening to a lot of Aesop Rock and Eyedea lately: And a very inspiring song:
  13. Duelbart

    Anyone like chill beats?

    Well, jazz hop is pretty chilly and I love it: The next one is polish HH, but it's got a great beat and it's pleasant to listen to even without understanding a word of it And let's top it off with some Swedes :) (this one is not really electronic, but it's HH and it's good so)
  14. Duelbart

    "Theres no soul, no feel" What are your thoughts?

    What I meant has nothing to do with taste. My point was that an artist either has something to say through a medium and it has soul or feeling or whatever you want to call it, or it's practicing scales in different neck positions. Now, you may love his Emaj runs and find his other work that...
  15. Duelbart

    "Theres no soul, no feel" What are your thoughts?

    It's quite simple - if you express something by music, it has soul. If you play for the sake of using your fingers or for practice it doesn't have soul. Unfortunately, only the composers know if they created a music piece with an idea or an emotion to express, so judging anyone else's music...
  16. Duelbart

    The Tesseract Megathread: Sonder Released

    Hmm, good vocals and a better tone, but I don't like the composition. I don't see how it's better than any song from One, either musically, or even lyrically :scratch: I will however, hold my full judgement until I hear more material.
  17. Duelbart


  18. Duelbart

    The Saddest Song Ever

    Not downright sad, but so desperate and melancholic that it gets me every time. "And if my heart just stops, I want to know if a curtain drops"
  19. Duelbart

    Contemplating Metal Music

    I don't see it as a paradox, rather a normal thing. When I'm, angry I listen to Those Whom The Gods Detest and after a sweet while of really feeling the brutality flow through me I go back to normal. If I'm melancholic or desperate/sad, I put on some La Dispute and it is perfect to drown in...
  20. Duelbart

    Gojira Track 'L'Enfant Sauvage' Streaming at Pitchfork!

    I don't know, after a few listens I must say that for me it lacks the crushing power of Gojira's last two LPs. Sure, it's got atmosphere, but half the power is gone. Maybe it will get better when I get used to it more, at least I hope it will