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  1. J

    Head and cab compatability

    hey, ive just got a line 6 spider iv hd 150 and im looking for a cab to go with it, i absolutely hate the line 6 cabs, and i dont have enough cash left over for one anyway, im looking at the bugera 4x12 but im not sure if it would be compatible, im not to good with electronics and all that so...
  2. J

    Head and cab HELP!!!!

    I have tried the 333, it sounded great but another issue is the fact i live in the UK and finding somewhere that sells them is a nightmare
  3. J

    Head and cab HELP!!!!

    ive been lookin at upgrading my current combo amp to something a little more gig worthy, I was thinking about gettin a bugera 333 but then all the talk of reliablility issues put me off. I think im gunna stick with the bugera cab tho as a friend of mine has one and he swears by it, but i was...
  4. J

    New Trivium Song

    I still prefer their Shogun stuff, dont get me wrong the new song is awsome and i love it i just dont like the fact they've moved away from all the 10minute epics :( just hope they dont cut out all the awsome soloin
  5. J

    7 for metal?

    hello, can anyone sugest a good first seven for someone who plays alot of metal? suicide silence and bands like that are on the playlist.:shred: ps. ive got about 300 quid on the budget
  6. J

    Any suggestions

    yeah thats what i was sayin
  7. J

    Best 7 string for pure metal and beastly low sound

    The ltd sc range are pretty sick, the 607 is the only 7 ive played and it was amazin, sounds awsome. great for metal so yeah
  8. J

    Ibanez rg7620

    Im thinkin of buyin the ibanez rg7620 but ive never played one, has anyone got any opinions on the guitar, does anyone own one, if so please help me out:hbang:
  9. J

    Ibanez rg7620

    Please try to contribute to the forum a bit more before using the classifieds and when you do please read the rules.
  10. J

    Need help on amp decision.

    Ive got the spider IV 30 and that sounds amazin cranked up high, i dunno bout the 75 watt version but gerneraly line 6 have some great sounds.
  11. J

    Any suggestions

    I dunno bout jacksons, cos my guitar teacher said that the Christian Olde Wolbers signiture 7 string was a good way to go :shred:
  12. J

    Any suggestions

    Yeah thanks the damien 7 looks pretty good for spec
  13. J

    Any suggestions

    ive decided im gonna get a seven string, but i have basicly no idea which one i want. budget is about £700. active pick ups would be nice but not essicial. I primarily play metal and deathcore guitar. so anyones opinion or advice is welcome. :hbang:
  14. J

    Any suggestions
