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  1. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Hi there, i just want to mention that the we did NOT set the intonation for now so no worries all saddles pulled back to the very end -as you can see-
  2. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Hi guys! A few days ago i had a few spare minutes and i wanted to check the whole thread from the first post and i noticed that a huge amount of pics are lost...I've inserted all of them from fb, and since they were uploaded I never changed their location or anything. Is there someone who knows...
  3. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    The guitar will be finished in the next few weeks (except pickups+cavities) Today i carved in the "logo"
  4. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Hi there! No pics untill next week as i'm preparing for a surprise ;)
  5. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Nahhh, just kidding :D Today's process: HEADSTOCK: rough cut ...and ohh well: NECK IN THE BODY ;)
  6. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Oh yeah, i forgot to say a few words about the actual status : All frets in place ( not dressed, just the edges have been cut) MOAR layers of oil ...that's all for now... gone to sleep then have a few beer :D
  7. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Are you ready for some fukkkin' gorgeous pics? :D
  8. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    No you did not, there is no how to. I was just realy happy about it. Btw it's not a superspecial way...i'm pressing the frets in, but it is a bit tricky because of the fan...( with paralel frets, the radius of the fretboard defines the radius of the frets...well in this case, it's not true)
  9. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Hi there fellows! :D The first (24th) fret sits in its place. I'm completely satisfied with my new technology of putting frets in:
  10. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    ok, well this is going to be the first fanned-fly-7 then :P
  11. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Here are some new shit Binding finished and the raw neckprofile:
  12. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Hello everybody! Today's process: And a special "gift pic": this instrument will be ... FUCKIN' KILLER
  13. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Yes i can :D But it might be a bit dissapointing: no magic here guys, of course not a ps-ed pic, it's supertight because it is made by a cnc router. IMO If you want something to be tight like this one ( with minimized width: thinnest curves around 1 mm ) you have to use tech-tools instead of...
  14. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Hi guys! Sorry for letting this thread go to the end of the line, i was verry busy over the past few weeks. But here are some pics, enjoy the inlay :)
  15. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Today nothing special happened, because unfortunately i have GAS (a special one) and i started to build another fanned 7er to myself :D But here is todays eyecandy factor, the first sketch of the inlay: And let me intoduce my gas project :
  16. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Sorry for the silence :P So, truss rod is in its channel, carving started ( because of serious curiosity :D ) here are the pics:
  17. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    This day, i removed the clamps and cut the main curves/lines of the guitar (neck and body, and of course as you can see in the pics, this is not the final cut) So enjoy today's photo diary :
  18. danifigo

    Custom fanned-fret 7-string project (Parker Fly shape)

    Today news :D : Top and body roughly cut and glued together: