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  1. InfestedRabite

    HM-2 Appreciation Thread

    Interesting approach with it in the FX loop. I've tried using it as a boost with the gain down before and the EQ/level cranked and had pleasing results, though I'd say I prefer using more gain from the HM2. Will try your method at some point to see how it goes
  2. InfestedRabite

    HM-2 Appreciation Thread

    I have a MIJ with a broken gain knob (have to use something wedged in it to move it, so it stays permanently where it needs to be at max) and a clone made here in NZ with modern stuff, is a little quieter. Still want to get round to making a grindcore band that utilises the chainsaw sound but...
  3. InfestedRabite

    Fave Jazz/Fusion/Latin/World-esque albums?

    I saw Ari live with just a keyboard player (with a sick bass monosynth alongside regular keys) earlier this year Absolutely phenomenal, the melodies he gets out of the kit are crazy
  4. InfestedRabite

    Gorguts NA Tour with Defeated Sanity, Exist, and Dysrhythmia

    Pleiades' Dust live is a helluva good time. Saw them play a shorter set here in NZ just recently but it was exceptional.
  5. InfestedRabite

    Scale Lenght Thread.

    I wouldn't play a 25.5 seven. Would need at least 26.5 or 27 if I went back, but I'm primarily a rhythm guitarist so the lead side of things isn't hugely concerning to me. As for my 6s, I have 12-60 on my PRS SE down in Drop B and that's perfect. and 10-52 on an old beater RG2__ in Drop C...
  6. InfestedRabite

    Agile Legacy

    i would .... with a solid colour one of these love the shape but not into #bevelmania
  7. InfestedRabite

    Technical Songs in Drop Tuning on 6

    discordance axis - the inalienable dreamless psycroptic - the scepter of the ancients
  8. InfestedRabite

    7 string tuning and gauges

    re-record your backing tracks in new 7-friendly tuning, if it's just you it can't be that hard
  9. InfestedRabite

    Looking to discover new HEAVY bands in C standard!

    its a really silly thing to want to base your listening on tunings mang Akercocke
  10. InfestedRabite

    Carvin Vader

    Gizzus a Kizzle, maaaate.
  11. InfestedRabite

    Carvin Vader

    can't help but think that Kizzle Guitars is how Australians would say it
  12. InfestedRabite

    Carvin Vader

    do the 25' (or is it 25.5'?) models look any different to the 27's?
  13. InfestedRabite

    Metroid Metal(djent?) Cover feat. Paul Ozz & Parkers

    the riff under the main melody sounds like it does when my guitar pro starts breaking, and not in a good way all the lead stuff is cool and the arrangement is nice (i really like what you did with the bit at 2:25~ish) but that one silly riff really brings it down
  14. InfestedRabite

    Pickup switch for a PRS SE semi-hollow?

    i kinda forgot about this thread, thanks for the recommendations! just put the JB/Jazz in, sounding great, was pretty worried about the tone being too bright with the semi-hollow twang in there but it all seems to be quite manageable the coil-split tone is exactly what i was looking for to...
  15. InfestedRabite

    Show volume/sound quality debate

    i just saw Mogwai on Friday that was the loudest show i've ever experienced and it added to the vibe so much, absolutely overwhelming and beautiful but with proggier bands yeah there's not a lot to be gained by going that loud, i'd rather be able to hear individual instruments clearly etc
  16. InfestedRabite

    8-string as only guitar, playing 6-string songs on an 8-string.

    not 8-string experienced, but the biggest obstacle i found going from 24.75 scale 6 to 26~ scale 7 was all my big 6-string chords and getting them to fit right, especially something real basic like an F up on the first fret. if you don't play big classic chords or weird jazz chords up there then...
  17. InfestedRabite

    DIY Tube Pedal?

    I have a tube OD pedal like this, use it for my coil-split tone. tho it does have Gain/Tone/Volume controls, which i quite appreciate it was built by a local guy here but I could ask him when I see him what specs it was built off?
  18. InfestedRabite

    As metal fans, we like dark music right? I give you Perturbator

    not to mention his contribution to the hotline miami soundtrack, one of the best games of the last few years
  19. InfestedRabite

    GY!BE - 'Asunder, Sweet And Other Distress'

    so keen, but i don't want to listen to the preview till the whole thing is out i was so happy when i saw them here in NZ on their last album release tour, one of the greatest shows i've ever seen hope they come back again playing this

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