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  1. net48734

    A new piece - melodic? Give it a listen

    Thanks guys....much appreciated
  2. net48734

    A new piece - melodic? Give it a listen

    Not a 7 stringer, but something I just was fooling with. Please let me know how the mix sounds, and everything else. Thanks guys. Should be first song that plays. AKnewGod on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads ~M
  3. net48734

    Critique me please.

    Thanks...much appreciated
  4. net48734

    Critique me please.

    Hey song. Tried out some new settings... Lemme know how it sounds. Ignore the myspace compression.... Station121 on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Thanks!
  5. net48734

    Argh! Which tone?!

    Mix them :agreed: One on one side, one on the other. See what you get. They both sound great man...props to you guys who can get that tone out of a box. Mixing engineers spend years and years getting it with thousand dollar mics and equipment. Ill say this. The differnt eq on tone 2 makes...
  6. net48734

    Is this a good PC for recording?

    That pc has enough muscle to move any project. But 1600K? yikes. Id look on Great site to build a pc.
  7. net48734

    Yikes....just after Bulb, can a brother get a view

    Thanks guys...appreciate the feedback. Yeah, the kick is a bit high, and the compression is also. Whole sound is pumping a bit. But, was kinda a new test mix. Thats why the drums are a bit off...played em with my fingers on the keyboard...and im not that good. Im still working on the guitar eq...
  8. net48734

    Yikes....just after Bulb, can a brother get a view

    New stuff. Ive been studying eq'ing. Along with trig for school which sucks dick. But when i get free time I try to unwind and get the goddamn drums and guitar to sound good together and in tandem. Tell me what u think.... its kinda short, and drums are a little off beat. But just in general...
  9. net48734

    The L6 Big Bottom...

    Hey man have any of your guys experimented with the Amplitube Metal? It does have some great hard nuts metal sounds (some kinda too bassy) but again it just lacks 'something'. Its almost as if it sounds too digital. Im sure some of your EQ gods could really get some good tone out of it. Any...
  10. net48734

    First instrumental rock-songcheck wit my new Quadcore...take a listen guys!!

    That sounds Porcupine Tree if they drank whiskey before they madea song. Good shit :shred:
  11. net48734

    Recording a bass drum

    cmon guys 27 views and no responses...Can anyone help a brotha ?
  12. net48734

    Recording a bass drum

    hey guys, I need some help with my bass drum sound. I know there are some real eq geniuses on here and you guys are always best to ask. Take a listen to this little test track. When it is turned up the double bass rings out. Almost like a low hum. Im not that great with eq'ing and have tried a...
  13. net48734

    New test

    Yeah im still trying to learn eq'ing. I know the low parts from the kick are more booming and somewhere in there the low guitar frequencies and messing with it. But thanks for checking it out!
  14. net48734

    New test

    Ah just diggin in the waters of the old Metallica type music. Keep in mind i am no lead guitarist.....Please critique :shred: <div style="width:473px; border:solid #999999 1px; background-image:url('')"> <a...
  15. net48734

    Something new

    That was my exact tone/type. Its the listen to type of music when you cant fall asleep to music. It is mellow.. ill agree there. Im getting over that hard, fastest fingers wins type contest. 2/3 of people on here are searching for that same tone. Be differnt... I think more and more it depends...
  16. net48734

    New Fade To Black Cover in the studio!

    sounds good man... that ol.... love of metallica.. Every single one of us learned some sort of lead on Master, or or Ride the Lightning.. Nice job.
  17. net48734

    Something new

    Not the djent type. A new mellow style that Im moving into. Please, comments.. <div style="width:380px; height:170px; overflow:hidden; position:relative"><div><embed src="" width="380" height="170" flashvars="bandid=648193&ext=1"...
  18. net48734

    New 7-string material! PodX3Live/Addictive Drums.

    Sounds good man....What preset (if one) are u using in addictive drums?
  19. net48734

    A new flavor

    Something a little more mellow....drums, possibly guitar are off. But thats what Bud Light will do to ya... meh. :nuts: <div style="width:473px; border:solid #999999 1px; background-image:url('')"> <a...
  20. net48734

    New piece

    As of late Ive been feeling very unimaginative... Anyhow this is just a test piece....Im trying to figure out compression and eq'ing. So please critique guys.. Was also pretty toasted when making it so timing isn't top notch :agreed: <div style="width:473px; border:solid #999999 1px...