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  1. M

    Closed - Get Some More Posts Outside the Classifieds

    mod edit: as you were told the day before you posted this thread, classifieds are for participating forum members only... enjoy the time off
  2. M

    Nylon string solid bodies?

    I'm just tossing out ideas here but how about a peizo with a "mock sound hole" just big enough to house a small condenser mic or something. You could even cover the sound hole with color matching mesh.
  3. M

    3 things this guy hates about death metal drumming

    indeed! I do agree that continuous use of all three can leave a bad taste in your mouth. But used wisely, and when the audience grooves on it when used wisely, it can be a good thing. I will say nothing about his English, it is my native language and I butcher the crap out it!
  4. M

    Are you wearing shoes when drumming ?

    At home and practice with band socks. Performing and recording wresteling shoes, nice and tight with plenty of support. Plus very thin with a non-restricted feel.
  5. M

    I need your help.

    Another thing to keep in mind is if you are on budget and need a complete package shells/hardware/cymbals is that your drum heads and tuning can make a cheap shell sound great as well. A lot of times cheap kits get bashed when they still have stock heads. I agree that tama has some really great...
  6. M

    Closed - Get Some Posts Outside the Classifieds

    mod edit: classifieds are for participating forum members only