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  1. K

    My Carvin got a Face Lift

    looking good nick! nice to finally hear you got your pickups and ofr. if you don't like the NB bridge after tweaking and playing with it a bit more give the Ceramic Warpig a try if you want a real monster. I'm interested in that cold sweat neck so gimme details
  2. K

    New guitar trip picstory (56k... sure, if your bored)

    fun story, those stairs look like a bitch. i'd hate moving in and out of that building
  3. K

    My first 7

    damn i thought it was going to be a fist shaped 7 stringer haha nice guitar :hbang: :metal: :shred:
  4. K

    The Loomis Is IN! (56K: Scram)

    never heard of plaschkes hehe
  5. K

    The Loomis Is IN! (56K: Scram)

    :eek: :hbang: a petrucci and a loomis! :shred: :hbang: whats next, a Carpenter?
  6. K

    Hello to all!! and Carvin question

    i just started lookin at KxK guitars and they look fantastic. I looked at RAN a while ago but didn't check into their custom stuff. I think all the comapnies make great stuff. I found Carvin to be the easiest for me to try and most convenient to purchase as the store is only 8 miles away from me.
  7. K

    Hello to all!! and Carvin question

    if u can call the US you should talk to Moshe at Carvin Hollywood. He is a salesman and luthier and really knows his wood hehe. He was very helpful when I was shopping for my guitar. The # is on carvins site.
  8. K

    Symphony X Samples - New Album, Heavier

    i heard the new cd and its pretty good all the way thru. great production and music. no particular song stands out for me which is kind of nice because i like listening to entire cds instead of just a few tracks. romeo's tone is very different. i dont know how or why but it does sound pretty...
  9. K

    How to install into a DC727?

    they sound pretty good at low volumes. you can really tell that the ceramic warpig is a monster, even compare to the nailbomb (although its in the neck). just finished classes monday and will be cranking my amp once everyone but me moves out of the dorm building hahah. o man im going to make so...
  10. K

    How to install into a DC727?

    that would be me and it was only because the salesman at the store was a tech and luthier and would do it to get my business (and i thank him for it). This is what was needed to get my pickups into the carvin dc727: 1) remove carvin pickups 2) sand down sides of pickup cavity to fit new...
  11. K

    Hello to all!! and Carvin question

    hi. if you want to talk over MSN message me at KANAMVAR32@MSN.COM I have a carvin dc727 with nailbomb/ceramic warpig and have played a few dc7s and could talk to you about them a bit. i think it would be a better way to communicate so if questions come up then we dont have to keep posting here.
  12. K

    Just got my first 7!! (dc 727)

    mmm thats a sexy carvin. i had to do some routing for putting in pickups in my carvin but it was pretty easy. just take some 80 grit sandpaper and sand carefully.
  13. K

    Lundgren M7 vs. Bareknuckle Pickups

    the bare knuckle miracle man i hear would be good for mesuggah while the ceramic warpig is better suited for nevermore (one reason i got it). i got my bkps b4 knowing about the M7 so I never researched it.
  14. K

    Vince and I got new picks made

    i want one of the baby jazz picks!
  15. K

    String Reviews

    the price wasnt all that bad. i think it was $20 for 2 packs and shipping. its less than elixers and they last just as long. I think he does make 7 string sets, just need to ask him about it. I might order some for my carvin after the elixers on it die out (which will be a while haha).
  16. K

    String Reviews

    nice. we need more string reviews. ive been trying out a new pack of strings on my strat every time i need a change just to find the one i like the best. so far snake oil brand is winning.
  17. K

    GASsing for a Mark IV

    Hopefully this doesn't fuel your GAS too much mark iv= awesome amp. old style mesa 2x12 with mc90/ev12l=perfect match fun to fiddle with the knobs but tough since i cant make too much noise in my dorm room. when i get back home im gunna go crazy on the lead channel with my carvin 7...
  18. K

    Importing Bareknuckle pickups into to the USA

    there is the pickup cost shipping cost and foreign exchange rate if you use a credit card (call and find out what it is, likely 3%)
  19. K

    Favorite seven string song to play?

    Jaws of Life by John Petrucci and The River Dragon Has Come by Nevermore