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  1. J

    Anubis(first track)

    This is my new band Anubis. This is our first song, Plagues of the Nile. What do you guys think? Hows the tone of everything? asdfghjklpoiuytrewq - YouTube We're another one of the many bands with three guitarists, 6505s, and seven strings. Anubis | Facebook
  2. J

    Demise of the King(my band) live

    We kicked him out last week or so and brought back our old guitarist. He gets down at practice so hopefully he moves on stage.
  3. J

    Demise of the King(my band) live

    Thanks for the tips guys!! Also, I'm glad you dug the music. :) But, I'm on my phone right now but tomorrow I'll post a video of our most recent show. I feel I improved on my stage presence but any input is still greatly appreciated guys! Demise of the King - "Chronos" live at Vernon Lanes -...
  4. J

    Demise of the King(my band) live

    I'm the one on the right. As you can see I'm somewhat uptight. What are some things you guys would recommend to increase my stage presence? Any tips are greatly appreciated. This is also my first time posting on here but, I creep on the site daily.
  5. J Band List

    Band Name: Demise of the King Music Type: Violent Death Metal Gigging Area: Louisville, Ky and surrounding areas Website: Demise of the King | Facebook Myspace: We don't really use the myspace
  6. J

    NGD: LTD SC-207 (blackouts inside)

    Will the 707s or phase 2 blackouts fit right in or is there routing needed?