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  1. guitarzombie

    New STAM1NA Video!

    I'd greatly appreciate a rough translation :) any of you suomi jätkän, please :D
  2. guitarzombie

    New STAM1NA Video!

    Yeah, I know that feeling.. but this CD will never be available here in Hungary so.. Also, Seinäjoki?! Home of the DUDESONS! High Five :D
  3. guitarzombie

    New STAM1NA Video!

    My friend from Finland just sent this over to me, and I am still speechless! I hope it hasn't been posted yet. Also, before anyone asks, these are the Ibanez Customshops Pexi uses:
  4. guitarzombie

    Post your most "Metal" pic of yourself and your 7!!!

    ^ i like the colors. everything really stands out, and the picture doesn't fall apart, despite no element is colored the same.
  5. guitarzombie

    NGD Scheeeecterrrrrr

    Jesus, I love this axe. My main (and only) is the same one.. I cried like a bitch, when it got the first ding :( :D
  6. guitarzombie

    Post your most "Metal" pic of yourself and your 7!!!

    some pics from my first live show ever. only as a session guitarist for 1 night, though. (one night stand, haha). but we rocked the place hard :) please view the other photos here
  7. guitarzombie

    How to cover up *dings* ?

    Was fooling around at my friend's rehearsal space on the weekend, and I was standing in front of his drumset. A screw loosened, and the cymbal stand almost crashed into my 7's neck, but I managed to jump away in time, yet the cymbal left a pretty ugly scratch on the neck.. its pissing me off...
  8. guitarzombie

    My Blackouts are eating up power like CRAZY!

    Nope, I always unplug. But I was told a batt should last 6 months at least. Thanks then!
  9. guitarzombie

    My Blackouts are eating up power like CRAZY!

    As the title says, my pickups eat up like 1 battery almost every month. Is this normal? Or are my batteries shit?
  10. guitarzombie

    Schecter Casekt 8

    it is pretty cool in my opinion :)
  11. guitarzombie

    The models you believe were discontinued too soon?

    Holy Shit, my ONLY Love! Damn.. Back in the day, when I saw Wes Borland play one of these in that video.. This is the only Ibanez I'm in love with (Meshuggah's LACS' may compete, but this is over the top) The.. Possibilites.. :shred:
  12. guitarzombie

    NGD a bit late but yeah...

    sorry for that, I'm not quite familiar with the proper expressions in english. more lurking and i'll be.
  13. guitarzombie

    NGD a bit late but yeah...

    Schecters usually come with a 26.5" scale length.
  14. guitarzombie

    NGD a bit late but yeah...

    nice to see some Schecter love around here :) how do the EMG's work out? and a small advice: get a strap lock, because Schecters are really fond of popping out of your strap. happened with me 2 times, and was lucky enough to catch the axe in mid-air..
  15. guitarzombie

    What's your favourite signature 7?

    on a second thought, I might be in more favour of my bud RobGuz's custom models. :)
  16. guitarzombie

    What's your favourite signature 7?

    probably the COW. also the old K7s.
  17. guitarzombie

    Grungerock (are there still anybody playing that...?) *demo content

    Adam Ryager-Hoej (or Høj). His pictures are awesome :)
  18. guitarzombie

    Trailer for a new Arc song is up! Axe FX! 7 strings! Swirls! Exclamation!

    Put up some more High Quality stuff.. because.. it feels just.. you can't get enough :D
  19. guitarzombie

    Grungerock (are there still anybody playing that...?) *demo content

    I like it pretty much :) Got that sick oldschool overtone to it :) by the way I have a so called "friend" in Aarhus, he's a photographer :)
  20. guitarzombie

    List of European Custom Builders

    Amarant - AMARANT Fibenare - Fibenare Guitars Co. finest quality from Hungary :)

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