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  1. E

    I'm considering a #4 Jim Root Orange. Am I making the right decision?

    Great stuff, guys! Thanks for the help. I think I'll go for it when I have the chance. :yesway: Does anyone else have anything to add?
  2. E

    I'm considering a #4 Jim Root Orange. Am I making the right decision?

    Hello, lovely people! I have a Blackstar HT5R which I really like, but I don't think it's not going to be enough for rehearsals and gigs. I heard that the higher wattage HT series are a bit fizzy and they generally don't seem to be that well loved. I'm looking for a tone that sounds thick...
  3. E

    NGD: Refinished and single pickup modded RG7321 + a pickup problem

    Thanks for the help, mate. :yesway: Apart from the suspect wiring, I think I got a pretty good deal on it. I'm not sure if it's taboo or something to mention the price; but I got it for £195, which is pretty good I think :)
  4. E

    NGD: Refinished and single pickup modded RG7321 + a pickup problem

    I knew there was something wrong the second I plugged it in the amount of hum it put out sounded like my Strat on the overdrive channel with the gain on full. I definitely thought that it sounded exactly like a singlecoil. Thanks for confirming that. This is annoying :wallbash: It is the...
  5. E

    NGD: Refinished and single pickup modded RG7321 + a pickup problem

    Hello all, This is a bit of a tentative NGD, as a few of you may find this pretty unattractive, but I thought that it was interesting enough for a post. I know that you've all probably seen enough RG7321s to last you all a lifetime, but I thought that this one would be of interest. The guy...
  6. E

    Yet another amp upgrade thread (HT5R vs E530)

    After a while spent doing some more budgeting and research, I've decided that I think that I'll be going with the HT5 (for the second time :rolleyes:). I think it sounds good, and will be the easiest on the wallet. If anyone has anymore to offer, then that's great, but I think I'm going to...
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    Yet another amp upgrade thread (HT5R vs E530)

    That's quite helpful, thanks! I'd probably be playing just above the kind of level you described anyway, so that does give a pretty good idea.
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    Yet another amp upgrade thread (HT5R vs E530)

    OK. It looks like I'm going to eliminate the E530 from the runnings, purely from an economical point of view. It would be more cost-effective for my situation to go one of the other routes I've looked into. So, it's really down to the options of: - HT5R Head - Higher watt HT range amp head...
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    Yet another amp upgrade thread (HT5R vs E530)

    OK, if I'm going for a higher watt amp, what about an Orange Dark Terror? It's got great reviews and sounds really good from what I've heard. Plus, I can get it for pretty much the same amount as the HT20. Opinions?
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    Yet another amp upgrade thread (HT5R vs E530)

    Wow, what a quandary! :scratch: So, half of you recommend I save a bit more and go with a higher wattage HT amp; and the other half recommend the E530. Hmm... Would the HT20 be a could choice? I'm guessing the tone is very much similar to the ht5 as it's a basically a scaled up version...
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    Yet another amp upgrade thread (HT5R vs E530)

    That good? Nice... Maybe it can depend on the power amp. What were you using?
  12. E

    Yet another amp upgrade thread (HT5R vs E530)

    They're a bit out of my price range, sadly. Surely 60W is pretty OTT for the bedroom?
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    Yet another amp upgrade thread (HT5R vs E530)

    Thanks for that! :)
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    Yet another amp upgrade thread (HT5R vs E530)

    After more research and videos, I've decided that I think I'll just go for the HT5. EDIT: Unless anyone has a good argument as to why I shouldn't, of course! One more question. What's the volume difference between a 1x12 and 2x12? Would the 2x12 + HT5 be too loud for home practice compared...
  15. E

    Yet another amp upgrade thread (HT5R vs E530)

    Good point about resale! However, the ENGL does have a built in power-amp which should be good enough for bedroom use, which is why it interests me. Although, really, it would just be the suitability of tone which is the clincher. Would the HT5 be able to achieve a good, tight, metal sound at...
  16. E

    Yet another amp upgrade thread (HT5R vs E530)

    Hey all, Sorry for the wall of text you're about to see... I need a fairly low-wattage amp for bedroom practice to upgrade from my Vypyr, which I think sounds pretty poor. I've been searching round the internet for a while now, trying to answer this. Trouble is, all the info I find seems to...
  17. E

    The "VS" Thread (Having trouble choosing between two or three guitars? Post here!)

    Hi all! First post here. :wavey: I'm struggling to decide between having an Agile (Std 727 with passives) shipped to me here in the UK, which would be around $700 or saving up a bit more and buying a Schecter Hellraiser C-7 which I can get for about £500 (about $800). What does everyone...