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  1. Wyldefan916

    The "I use to use Jazz Picks" Thread

    I started using Jazz III's earlier this year and liked them, but it just started getting annoying how small the pick is. I have short stumpy fingers, which you'd assume is a good fit for these picks, but when I'd hold it "comfortably" I'd barely have enough pick to use. about 2 months ago I...
  2. Wyldefan916

    Just a thought...

    In a sense yes to both. I mean some people, like myself, aren't active musicians, but play equipment that IMO break the bank. It's like if you can use something lower-end, that isn't complete and total dog-$hit, and use a processor like stated to get that better tone, why not go this route...
  3. Wyldefan916

    Just a thought...

    I guess I didn't think of the cab quality. I mean I feel like most people that run a multi-fx unit like stated earlier just use the amp head for the power portion, am I right?
  4. Wyldefan916

    Just a thought...

    With all of these multi-fx out there on the market, such as the GSP1101, the Axe-FX 1, 2 and Ultra, is it really necessary then to have a high-quality Half-Stack or Power-amp? I mean especially if the processor really nails the sound of a specific amp you like with more adjustability, wouldn't...
  5. Wyldefan916

    What's your favourite signature 7?

    For me it would be the Jeff Loomis FR. I think once it comes out though, the Jackson Chris Broderick 7 will at least be on the same level as the Loomis.
  6. Wyldefan916

    Jackson 7 String Fans - Chris Broderick 7 String Signature

    I saw this posted on his blog. I'm bummed though that the 7 is still going through some more tweaks before it hits production. I still don't know about that body, but I'm sure if I got the chance to play one I'd like it a lot. Thanks for the link. :hbang:
  7. Wyldefan916

    7's in San Francisco?

    Damn that first one is SCHWEET!!! I think that is a $1500 guitar new too, so seems like a good deal to me.
  8. Wyldefan916

    7's in San Francisco?

    Have you tried looking at Musicians Friend? Free shipping and no tax. If I was in your budget range, this would be my first choice... Schecter Guitar Research Jeff Loomis-7 String Electric Guitar: Shop Guitars & Other Musical Instruments | Musician's Friend or if I would pay just an...
  9. Wyldefan916

    070 individual string

    Looks like you're going with Jeff Loomis's old string setup. Is that what you're doing if you don't mind me asking?
  10. Wyldefan916

    Post Your GAS

    I forgot to add one other guitar (well actually 2) to my list... Want it in the 6 and 7 string versions
  11. Wyldefan916

    Post Your GAS

    My current GAS list... Ibanez S7420 Schecter Jeff Loomis FR-7 Marshall EL34 100/100 or 9200 DigiTech GSP1101 This and a couple of Marshall 1960B cabs would hold me over for now :D
  12. Wyldefan916

    Experiences with the Ibanez RG7321?

    I have one here, and I like it a lot. I got it used with EMG 81-7 & 60-7 pups. I also did the 18v mod with them, and it sounds even better. I'm still contemplating whether or not to get either dual 707's or go back to passives and do Dimarzio D'Activators in it. Either way though, it is a...
  13. Wyldefan916

    Who inspired you to play seven?

    For me it was reading up on Megadeth's Chris Broderick. I love Megadeth, but I had no idea they had gotten a new guitarist until I watched The Big 4 DVD and saw him. I then watched some video's of him on YouTube playing a 7 and I was blown away. Also from watching him I landed on Jeff Loomis...
  14. Wyldefan916

    Sevens and Strings

    Right now my RG7321 has D'Addario's on it with the stock gauge B. I'm gonna swap them out soon though to use Ernie Ball regular slinky's and use a 62 for the bottom string.
  15. Wyldefan916

    Good cheaper 7 string pickups

    What's your budget? Dimarzio D-Activators are only $70 each which isn't a lot by any means. They are also excellent pickups.
  16. Wyldefan916

    Your dream rig vs. your current rig?

    Current Rig (Extremely Sad :( lol): Ibanez RG7321 w/ EMG 81-7 & 60-7 Ibanez Gio Series Guitar Ibanez TS9 Morley Bad Horsie 1 VOX VT15 Dream Rig: Schecter Jeff Loomis FR-7 Ibanez RG1527 Prestige Loaded with EMG 707's Ibanez JS2400 Gibson Les Paul Custom Silverburst loaded with EMG 85's...
  17. Wyldefan916

    The Digitech GSP1101 thread.

    Is this thing worth the price? I'm looking at getting a Marshall EL34 100/100 Monobloc and I'm looking at either getting this or a JMP1 to go with it until the time comes for an Axe-FX Standard or Ultra.
  18. Wyldefan916

    EMG Pickups, Accessories, Wiring, Info and Help thread - post it here!!!

    Hey guys, I just picked up an RG7321 the other day in a straight trade for my Epi LP. It has EMG-81/7 (bridge), and EMG-60/7(neck) in her, but I want the 707's in her. Upon further investigation, the p'ups are the old solder versions, NOT the solder-less versions. Does anyone know though if...
  19. Wyldefan916

    Suggestions for a 7 string?

    If it were me, these would be my top three choices... 1. Schecter Jeff Loomis FR Sig 2. Ibanez S7420 3. Jackson soloist 7-string All are in your budget range if you wanna check them out.
  20. Wyldefan916

    Douglas 7-Strings?

    Cool I'll look for that thread man thanks. First thing I'd do is definitely upgrade the p'ups no doubt. I did find a guy locally that I may try to trade my Epi LP Custom for a bone stock RG7321 plus cash to me, but if it falls through, I wouldn't mind getting one of these guitars.