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  1. MyOwnEffigy

    In this thread you will find a lot of pretentious, childish nonsense. And cursing!

    Yeah, nice and pretentious. How... expected? Again, age doesn't mean wisdom. It just means you're that much closer to death. And it can't come soon enough for a fine fellow like you. I hope only the worst for you. Old codgers who think they're masterminds. When in reality, they're just...
  2. MyOwnEffigy

    In this thread you will find a lot of pretentious, childish nonsense. And cursing!

    Shannon, plain and simple, bro. Fuck you. You're an old pretentious fuck. OK? Did I spell it out? You fucking cum guzzling twat for brains. Fuck straight off. If I could care less what a thirty something who posts on a guitar thread had to say about anything I'd amaze myself. You shit...
  3. MyOwnEffigy

    In this thread you will find a lot of pretentious, childish nonsense. And cursing!

    After putting up with the nonsense on this forum, especially on the now closed thread,I realized I'm wasting my time here. Silly as it sounds, I hate politics being brought into forums. I think free speech is destroyed on a daily basis by these so called "forums". People judging who can say...
  4. MyOwnEffigy

    My other guitarist pulls a "HEAD"

    *puts on crown and sneers out of ivory tower* Wow, wasn't my last post just splendiferous neato? I might as well be decreed emperor of the universe. Why am I the greatest? I'm gonna take a cruise on the high horse. Back later. -Steve
  5. MyOwnEffigy

    My other guitarist pulls a "HEAD"

    People think that Atheists think proof or disproof is absolute. Like there's some hard and fast rules to being Atheist. The only thing about being Atheist is having convictions. Is holding your ground and speaking with certainity instead of wavering with jelly legs. The main thing is that...
  6. MyOwnEffigy

    My New Les Paul Studio

    I feel the need to inform all of the sweet hookup that HateBreeder helped me out with. I got this killer Gibson Les Paul Studio from one of our stores for a very good price. I have pics. Let me further state, this guitar has insane tone and the neck feels great. I normally haven't dug...
  7. MyOwnEffigy

    My other guitarist pulls a "HEAD"

    Religion is the whole reason I'm not religious. I've been an Atheist since middle school. I normally tired of hearing "we're right, they're wrong." all the time. Religion was supposedly to be a personal endeavor, not the same for any two people. So what if others were different? That was my...
  8. MyOwnEffigy

    Video of a solo I'm working on...

    That was nuts, Vince. A good feel to it, and I'll be damned if you didn't flow real well with the rhythm section. Your sweeps look way tighter than mine, heh. Does the self-doubt ever leave us musicians? =P
  9. MyOwnEffigy

    Ibanez is dicking us around.

    As an employee at a local music store, same one HateBreeder works at, I can tell you the high end guitars are great. They're phenomonal, however, that doesn't make them sell. We specialize in custom shops and special order products, but that doesn't mean they're flying out of the store. More...
  10. MyOwnEffigy

    Health and guitar?

    Hey, Seven String gang, I've been playing guitar for a while now, but the more I get into shred, the harder it gets to play the same basic patterns. Its not that the fingerings are difficult, its that my fretting hand will kind of "lock up". Like, it will just stop moving fluidly and I have...
  11. MyOwnEffigy Demographics

    Name: Stephen F. Age: 20 Sex: Male Location: Tampa Bay, Florida Years playing guitar: 2 and 11/12 years Years playing 7-string: 2/52 of one year Guitars: RG 450 (Modded to be like a JEM with Evolutions + a coil-tap on neck pickup and TremSetter) Charvel Model "?" (Black, single pickup...
  12. MyOwnEffigy

    8 year old shredder

    It was once said that: "Given enough time, a group of monkeys could pen the works of Shakespeare." I never thought those words to be more applicable than now. Sure, he's playing fast. But, anyone could teach him to play that. And also, he looks way older than 8. He looks at least 13 or...
  13. MyOwnEffigy

    Anyone up for a Fuision Jam?

    Very tight production, I have to say. The drums sound a bit fake at times, but, hence, synthesized drums. Your guitar lines are sick though. Build up real well and pull it back nice and easy. I gotta say, I'm impressed with some of the sheer musicianship that comes around on this site. As...
  14. MyOwnEffigy

    Name the one non-seven string guitar you'd love to own...

    I've wanted a Gibson SG for sometime now, but I'd gut the pickups, because I don't like Gibson pickups that much. I'd fill that beast up with some DiMarzio lovin'. And, if possible, get that rosewood fretboard gutted in favor of a maple. Its so hard to find a guitar prepared just the way...
  15. MyOwnEffigy

    My PureVolume site and a couple questions about Adobe Audition

    Hey, guys, I just wanted to post a link to my PureVolume site. As a heads up, I am by no means a studio producer. I think my cut came out good musically, but as for editing? Well.... Anyhow, I got Adobe Audition now. And the interface is dumbfounding. I need some pointers if anyone has...
  16. MyOwnEffigy

    Popped my 7-string cherry.

    Hey, all. I just finally got my seven string today. A Washburn WG-587 for $50 from a teacher at the store I work at. For $50? This thing rocks the house. I'd love to post pictures or something resembling pictures, or maybe even just a crudely drawn depiction of the guitar, but I'm willing...