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  1. R


    hey ive only got a few band's cds, and im looking at expanding my listening collection for inspiration. anyone suggest me some good albums with heavy powerful riffs? all kinds of metal :hbang: :hbang: :scream: :scream: :shred: :shred: :wallbash: :wallbash: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  2. R

    Southern California guitarists!

    id tag along... but im sort of not on the same continent... :(
  3. R


    are you looking for a sofware one? or one that you can physically hold in your hand?
  4. R

    My New Band

    well... for the moment, i dont have any mics to record so i had to do it in guitar pro. now that ive said that u will probably pick it up in some parts of the song
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    My New Band

    yea man lookin to put vocals in to really seal it up. it does sound sorta long without vocals. perhaps i should shorten it just for the time being, so it doesnt get boring, then extend it a bit when the vocals are added
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    My New Band

    hey guys got a new band goin, and i thought id share the music with you guys. theres only one song up at the moment, but i plan on putting more up soon. thanks, and any comments appreciated.
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    EMG 707 vs 81-7 question

    i think you got em mixed up buddy. the 707 is a mix of the 81 and 85, for 7 string, but its more like an 85. its darker, more bass and less highs. i find it muddy and too bassy for what i need. the 81 has more attack, mids and highs. thats why im gettin an 81-7 for my hellraiser. mahogany, 707...
  8. R

    Individual strings in Australia...

    does anyone in sydney know where to buy individual strings? i need to get a few .075 gauge strings for my hellraiser, and i cant order over the net. any stores i can go pick them up? thanks
  9. R

    Low B weird sound...

    had my schecter hellraiser for a week now, and im lovin it so far, however the 7th string has a certain sound to it that is very different to the 6th string, and you can really tell when playing the 5th fret powerchord on the B. its a very bassy sound, and im trying to find the correct frequency...
  10. R

    Which guitar?

    well, you did put ibanez into the equation, so you are going to get very biased reviews... jk :P besides the kramer (cos i have no idea), if you were to choose between the ibanez and the schecter, you should compare the specs, and see which one you think would suit you best ie trem model...
  11. R

    0_o SHE's HERE! (56k friendly Hellraiser pron)

    so the stock string gauge on it is 10-56 yea? cos i bought some 11-58's, and im not gna trash the stock strings on em if they are good
  12. R

    These seem to be really popular lately...

    anyone else notice alot of people getting a hellraiser in the past month or so? kinda makes it seem like a trend... nevertheless, mine is coming tomorrow so ill snap some pics for you guys :hbang: :hbang: :scream: :scream: :shred: :shred:
  13. R

    I want this!!!

    i dont know why anyone would want to buy that, as moving it around would be close to impossible without a truck...
  14. R

    7 Strings In The UK

    when we type shift + 3 it comes up with this # do you have the dollar sign? shift + 4 $ but then again, you guys are from that area, so disregard :P
  15. R

    New subwoofer

    would be sweet for a bass player to have a cab full of those :hbang: :hbang: :hbang:
  16. R

    The new Gibby "weight relief" LP

    too bad they dont make a reverse headstock :noplease:
  17. R

    7 string notes chart?

    does anyone have a 7 string fretboard chart? im not having much luck finding one, and the ones i do find are only 6 string. and if possible, 24 frets please thank you
  18. R

    7 string notes chart?

    i can find 6 string ones, but does anyone have a 7 string notes chart? im not having much luck finding one
  19. R

    Looking to pick up a 27" scale 7

    ^^^^ fess up! Administer those custom specs!!
  20. R

    Any accidents with your gear?

    hearing all these horror stories of jacks being ripped out of amps.... lucky i use a wireless unit :)