Search results

  1. Thought-Police

    First 5 guitars

    1. 95 or 96 Cort strat that my uncle bought me (currently in pieces being refinished I'll never sell this one.) 2. 2001-2003? Washburn WR-120 ( I should have never sold this guitar it had a really unique sound for some reason that I've never been able to reproduce) 3.2007 Cort X-2 (still own...
  2. Thought-Police

    Was disgusted today.

    LOL mine too...... A Cort strat hahaha
  3. Thought-Police

    Getting that trippy clean but nice tone for recording.

    What are you using? I use POD Farm and Use the Piezo acoustic amp as the basis for that sound
  4. Thought-Police

    Was disgusted today.

    ^ This. I think the point Armada was making, (at least how I took it) was that you have these people that buy there 10 year old kid a 3k guitar because the kid decided this week that he wants to play guitar, and its not worth it when he gets sick of it after a week, but there's those of us that...
  5. Thought-Police

    Pink Guide

    Ah, interesting! Learn something new everyday lol
  6. Thought-Police

    Pierce the Black Sea, New songs!

    Thanks good to hear, Yeah I'm going to try I have a few people I usually work with, so hopefully I can get some on soon!
  7. Thought-Police

    I need some help with Playback and Reaper.

    Are you using an onboard sound card? or an interface? If your using the stock sound card try this ASIO go into reaper click ctrl+p and go to Audio>Devices>Audio system>ASIO Then ASIO driver>ASIO4all I believe that should fix the latentcy problem but I haven't recorded with line in on a stock...
  8. Thought-Police

    Pink Guide

    Pink guide?
  9. Thought-Police

    What audio interface to get (cheap)? HELP PLEASE

    I can't say 100% but, that most likely is the case. Every suggestion given is going to be subjective anyway, someone may say one is a piece of crap while another may have no problems with it, I say buy what you want and try it. If it sucks return it. That's why receipts and return policies exist :)
  10. Thought-Police

    What audio interface to get (cheap)? HELP PLEASE

    This may not be popular lol, but I use the POD studio GX as my interface and never have any problems with it, and I just use a stero splitter on the headphone out and use one input for my headphones and the other has a 1/8 to RCA wire that goes into monitors, it works well for me and only cost...
  11. Thought-Police

    Pierce the Black Sea, New songs!

    Thanks, yeah all these songs were actually written back in like 2002-2005, so at this point they probably sound a little dated, and no doubt had influences from beck and other alternative bands at the time lol They've only existed in very rough demo form so I wouldn't forget them, I found all...
  12. Thought-Police

    New guy!

    Thanks bro!
  13. Thought-Police

    New guy!

    Thanks! heres a link to a couple songs i'm working on!
  14. Thought-Police

    Pierce the Black Sea, New songs!

    Hi all heres a few tracks I'm working on! any feedback you have would be awesome! Thanks for listening. Touch the endless sky | Pierce the Black Sea Shades of Blue | Pierce the Black Sea
  15. Thought-Police

    8 string universe-- uv88mc?

    This x10000000!!!!!
  16. Thought-Police

    New guy!

    For sure, This is the page for my Friend that does the beats I'll post some of my stuff in the recording section once I get more done!
  17. Thought-Police

    New guy!

    Thanks! I'm from northern Chicagoland, about 15 minutes south of the Wisconsin border, and I usually play rock/metal, but I like dabbling in other stuff too like jazz, funk, classical I also co own a music production company with a friend, and we make beats for rappers both local and for big...
  18. Thought-Police

    New guy!

  19. Thought-Police

    New guy!

    Hey all just joined from Chicago look forward to being on here and meeting people/learning some stuff!:yesway: Jacob