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  1. richardgstudios

    Help me decide which monitors I get

    That's what im using mine for man, they do the job! I would jump on that deal!! The monitors IMO are the best accurate and flat studio monitors in there price range. I would upgrade to the Yamaha HS80 when funds are available to do so, hope this helps!
  2. richardgstudios

    Help me decide which monitors I get

    Try craigslisting for a pair on KRK's :)
  3. richardgstudios

    New Guy From Texas

    Thanks for the welcome! I might be leaving here shortly as well, gonna miss home.
  4. richardgstudios

    New Guy From Texas

    Thanks bud!
  5. richardgstudios

    Endorsements - "HOW TO"

    Awesome Read! Thank you
  6. richardgstudios

    New Guy From Texas

    Cool bro!, right now my main focus is to get my studio off the ground, if you all need some studio time, hit me up! :hbang:
  7. richardgstudios

    What are you listening to?

    Upon A Burning Body (My homies) Emmure Acacia Strain
  8. richardgstudios

    Is a tone knob necessary?

    I am a tone knob abuser... I like using it if im doing some single string melodic type stuff but.... if im shredding all my shits on full blast WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! :shred:
  9. richardgstudios

    New Guy From Texas

    Thanks for the welcome! San Antonio
  10. richardgstudios

    New Guy From Texas

    Thanks bud!
  11. richardgstudios

    New Guy From Texas

    Hell No bro!!, on top of the heat out there, electric bills just keep going up and up trying to keep the house cool. Thanks for the welcome!! Fellow San Antonian :)
  12. richardgstudios

    Incoming Recording Gear!

    Awesome! and good luck to you!
  13. richardgstudios

    Know Lots About Compression:

    Awesome thread, thank you all for sharing!!
  14. richardgstudios

    New Guy From Texas

    Thanks you!
  15. richardgstudios

    New Guy From Texas

    Whats up everyone! Finally got the time to create a membership with you all. Awesome forum, I have come across some cool tips and tricks here. I look forward to chilling with you all and hopefully learn something new! Thanks guys! Feel free to add me, msg me, whatever me. -RG Rock On! :hbang:
  16. richardgstudios

    Recording help

    Same here, started out with the firewire solo, had some bugs but was good for what it was worth. Good Luck!