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  1. Mprinsje

    Low profile strap locks?

    Dimarzio cliplocks
  2. Mprinsje

    What is your next guitar/gear purchase gonna be?

    It came with wheels! (Luckily)
  3. Mprinsje

    What is your next guitar/gear purchase gonna be?

    Just got myself a Mesa Boogie oversized 4x12
  4. Mprinsje

    Has anyone gotten a chance to read the James Hetfield book "Messengers"?

    I think that there's an argument to be made that as soon as artists get big enough to get their own signatures gear the quality of their sound goes downhill. I have yet to be proven wrong and no i will not name examples because I'm lazy.
  5. Mprinsje

    ESP Owners Club-Show Us Your ESPs!

    All ltd eclipses I've ever played have what I call the "regular" ltd neck shape, never played an ESP eclipse. I dunno what to describe it as but my viper and ltd mh50 generally feel pretty similar. They're pretty thin, but also pretty round. These Edwards Les Pauls are just way more Gibson-y...
  6. Mprinsje

    ESP Owners Club-Show Us Your ESPs!

    Got my third Edwards Les Paul this weekend (the left one). I've been looking for a good EMG guitar for a while, and I've always loved the look of a les Paul custom with emg's. This came up and I got a decent deal on it. Plays like I suspected it would and it sounds great. It's an E-LP 130cd that...
  7. Mprinsje

    Wintersun's Groundhog's Day Thread

    @Metropolis genuine question for you: Assuming you're not actually Jari (which i don't think you are btw), why are you so invested in defending the antics and personality of someone you (presumably) don't actually know? Isn't this all a colossal waste of your time? I mean, the only person I'd...
  8. Mprinsje

    ESP 2024

    I'm buying the shit out of that horizon 87.
  9. Mprinsje

    ESP 2024

    I'd love the black horizon as a backup for my actual ESP horizon but for gods sake why reverse the headstock :(
  10. Mprinsje

    Is this custom ESP horizon legit?

    Alright thanks for the responses!
  11. Mprinsje

    Is this custom ESP horizon legit?

    Yeah that's why I thought it must be from factory. Especially if it's a custom shop someone might've just ordered it with that trem. But is the overall consensus that this is legit? 2k seems like a roundabout fair price for a custom shop ESP right? It's not a steal but not an outright bad deal...
  12. Mprinsje

    Is this custom ESP horizon legit?

    Ah yes you're right, I misread that. I was already confused since it looked nothing like the schaller Floyd I have on a Jackson.
  13. Mprinsje

    Is this custom ESP horizon legit?

    Its an ESP branded Floyd, according to the ad its made by schaller. Doesn't look like a replacement.
  14. Mprinsje

    Is this custom ESP horizon legit? I love ESP horizons and wanna buy another one. this one caught my eye, but as its a custom theres of course nothing i can find about it, so i just want some esp fanatics to weigh in. Does this look legit?
  15. Mprinsje

    Kiss Appreciation - You wanted the best, You got the best! After 50 yrs Kiss play their final show

    I think the general dislike of Kiss nowadays is more aimed at Simmons and Stanley not wanting to reunite with the original lineup and their general money hungriness than at the band in general. I get that, but man you just can't knock their hits, they wrote some amazing songs and put up a show...
  16. Mprinsje

    Comments from non-guitarists about guitars

    My wife always asks "so what's this got you don't have already?" When I buy a new guitar. When she asks I try to explain to her but she always looks at me sceptically, deservedly so, as i have lots of "same-ey" stuff like some les pauls, couple of superstrats etc. I don't "need" anything...
  17. Mprinsje

    Slipknot split with Jay Weinberg

    Well especially in the earlier years of him joining he did play some songs really fast, like psychosocial, even when I saw them in 2019 I felt he played some songs really quickly. That's not always a bad thing, but with some songs it does mess up the groove of it. Although why fire him instead...
  18. Mprinsje

    Slipknot split with Jay Weinberg

    I stand corrected!
  19. Mprinsje

    Slipknot split with Jay Weinberg

    Yeah I guess, but those were all temporary reunions and tours right? I'm too young for that anyway haha. It might be the nepotism thing that would rub me the wrong way, but I also realise it'd be silly for me to care about that aspect as it would not affect my life in any way shape or form...
  20. Mprinsje

    X Japan's Heath has passed away

    That sucks... Also, this is the 3rd member of X that's died right? That's insane.