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  1. x360rampagex


    Seeing them tomorrow!
  2. x360rampagex

    Album(s) of the Year: 2012

    Vildhjarta - Mâsstaden Gojira - L'enfant Sauvage Meshuggah - Koloss The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza - Danza 4: The Alpha- The Omega Between the Buried and Me - The Parallax II: Future Sequence
  3. x360rampagex

    The Algorithm (Electronic, dirty riffage)

    "[ youtubevid ] URL [ /youtubevid ]" With no spaces or quotation marks
  4. x360rampagex


    I'm downloading at the moment, hoping it's good as I have been hugely disappointed by some resent release *cough*Assassins Creed 3*cough*
  5. x360rampagex

    Thoughts on Mastodon??

    If there were more, it wouldn't be so special ;)
  6. x360rampagex

    Scary movies for a first time horror movie watcher...

    I recommend this: ...say hello
  7. x360rampagex

    A Conversation with USPS Customer Service

    "my mail person is a biker lady who I frequently see drunk and stumbling around the streets when not on the job. Classy, I know." Hey, as long as she does her job well enough, what does it matter what she does in her private life. But, yeah, I hear a lot of bad things about USPS, UK here, so...
  8. x360rampagex

    The Algorithm (Electronic, dirty riffage)

    Yeah, several reviewers were throwing around similar phrasing. As you can see, I tried to avoid that.
  9. x360rampagex

    Picking technique, right hand

    You could hold the pick between your palm and you finger and still pick would be slow, but it's all about practice.
  10. x360rampagex

    Thoughts on Mastodon??

    Started listening to them when the hunter came out, now they are one of my favourites. Infact Imma listen to em right now!
  11. x360rampagex

    The Algorithm (Electronic, dirty riffage)

    French electronic/metal genius Rémi Gallego a.k.a. The Algorithm released his long-awaited debut album 'Polymorphic Code' on 19/11/12 and can be streamed here: THE ALGORITHM - Polymorphic Code by basickrecords on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free So, I had the pleasure...
  12. x360rampagex

    What are you listening to? I've been listening to the album quite a lot recently.
  13. x360rampagex

    How tall is everyone?

    Hmm...about 5'4, 5'5. Short.
  14. x360rampagex

    Anyone Else Have Chronic Pain?

    I have M.E. or CFS, so pretty much chronic joint and muscle pain. Back pain, get the picture.
  15. x360rampagex

    What game are you playing?

    Yeah I thought the same. However I did love brotherhood, as it kept me busy even after completing the story; plus multiplayer was entertaining.
  16. x360rampagex

    Official What Are You Reading Thread:

    George R. R. Martin - A Clash Of Kings
  17. x360rampagex

    Craigslist ad that caught my eye...

    "heavy, annihilating deathcore" ...really!
  18. x360rampagex

    What are you listening to?

    Mastodon - Oblivion
  19. x360rampagex

    NSFW: Seriously Fubar Cattle Decapitation music video

    I watched this when I woke up. Not the best when you're about to eat, but not the most disturbing thing i've seen recently. Woman having a tampon pulled out by a chubby gimp...I found that disgusting and slightly funny.