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  1. sovereignsoviet

    Modelers for bass?

    I'd just get a couple actual amps and DI them with redwirez :shrug: the carvin BX1500 with some pedals should do pretty much anything you could ask of it for less than $1k for everything.
  2. sovereignsoviet

    NGD! - Mayones Regius 6 Custom (Walnut, Birdseye Maple and Aftermath Content)

    well, it looks okay i guess...:rolleyes: brb while i hang myself, that thing is gorgeous.
  3. sovereignsoviet

    A weird question but why do so few metal bands have real honest emotion like this??

    get Kezia from Protest the Hero, that album is beautiful. having the lyrics on you when you listen the first couple times helps a lot.
  4. sovereignsoviet

    DC800 videos?!

    I know everybody probably knows about this and it's not the same, etc., but
  5. sovereignsoviet

    NGD Carvin DC800 (more pics added)

    HNGD, it's a beauty.
  6. sovereignsoviet

    Sexy mayones (buckeye burl content O.o)

    I never thought I'd get GAS for something that looks like the physical incarnation of cancer, but by god those are beautiful.
  7. sovereignsoviet

    Am I jumping too far?

    I think it depends on the person more than anything. You either work well with a fanned-fret or you don't - I'd be more worried about "buying blindly" with a fan than an 8-string, and would definitely be looking to try something similar to your scale stretch. That being said, it's unlikely that...
  8. sovereignsoviet

    Can i record my guitar parts by Guitar Rig?

    You need a DAW like Reaper or Cubase to record, and you should preferably buy an audio interface (like these)to plug into your computer through a USB.
  9. sovereignsoviet

    6 string FR going all the way to G#

    You might need to file the nut/widen the tuning pegs if the strings are too thick, but try using a tension calculator. As long as the tension is relatively similar, the adjustment really won't be too drastic. Still, if you don't know how to set up a guitar, you might want to take it to a tech...
  10. sovereignsoviet

    NOGD - Reunited and it feels so good!

    You can go grab a bite, and you'll still be hearin' that one :lol: Congrats, and shame on you for not giving it your time before :nono: it's a beauty, and I usually hate LPs
  11. sovereignsoviet

    Detuning 6's with Pedals?

    It's just too much of a tone-suck to justify it. I'd sound better getting a cheap $300 guitar and tuning it to an odd tuning than getting a good pitch shifter, and do just that for that very reason.
  12. sovereignsoviet

    Expensive does not mean better

    Just gonna throw out, since they were at Guitar Center...were they properly set-up? A lot of it is down to ergonomic feel, but I absolutely cannot play those wall guitars that haven't been properly cleaned in 3 years, no matter the quality of the guitar's potential. E: missed Necris' post...
  13. sovereignsoviet

    So how did you learn how "good" guitars were and how much they're worth?

    Certain forums just have people who go towards certain flavors. As this is sevenstring.o, naturally Schecter/Ibanez/Agile and other dealers who have a decent amount of 7-strings will have representation over strats and the like. That's why there are so many people with custom guitars - ERGs are...
  14. sovereignsoviet

    If you could have any guitar...

    One of Chris Broderick's Jackson custom 6s. I don't know why it appeals to me so much. As for guitars I've actually played, my half-brother has an American '86 Kramer that his dad gave him, and from what research I can do it seems one of a kind and plays just perfectly to me. I really wish I...
  15. sovereignsoviet

    New to 7 string gimme some ideas.

    You've been playing 6 string for 14 years but haven't learned to build chords and assemble scales based on the major/minor scales? You can either learn those through basic theory and fully immerse yourself, or you can play Loomis style and use it as a 6 string with a chug string at the bottom...
  16. sovereignsoviet

    In the market for a new 6 string

    I won't say they're not versatile, but it's hard to get a way from a certain "twang" Teles have. If you love it, perfect, but most people don't.
  17. sovereignsoviet

    How do I breathe life into and old and tired 7620?

    Well, in the lower/middle price range of guitars, there's a lot of variation of quality. You might have found a gem of a 7321 and only an average 7620. I'd say the first step would be to have it set-up. Get the frets level, oil the fretboard, polish the body, replace or clean the screws...
  18. sovereignsoviet

    Is this Ibanez worth it?

    Damn, it's a shame they're being so stingy. I can't think of a set of Dimarzios I'd quote as $400 :nuts: It's worth looking at that $500 one, though. Even with shipping and tax it'd come out under $600 should you still like the sound and feel, and even with a nice p-up replacement and a set-up...
  19. sovereignsoviet

    Carvin legacy or V3 for metal?

    A good retubing apparently helps a lot with this, so a set of JJs (or whatever your preferred brand may be) would certainly be something to consider
  20. sovereignsoviet

    Blackmachine B2 Available

    I think it was a review of an 8-string custom somewhere or another where I read this: With the lower frequencies (less-so but still prevalent on a 7), thick bodies actually resonate the bass to the point of muddiness. The thin-ness helps keep the low end tight without actually detracting from...

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