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  1. M

    What was the worst guitar you have ever played or owned?

    I don't know why some of you guys are talking bad about Fender Squiers :(. They rock if you know how to play them. A good example is the guy named Rich Menga who plays Squiers like a boss. Trust me, I've played nice guitars like a Signature Jackson (I don't remember the freaking name :squint:)...
  2. M

    Ibanez 2012: The Thread

    I want both so bad!!! D:
  3. M

    500$ for the new Ibanez XF350... Worth it?

    Well i like the shape, maybe because i'm younger than you and different. I've seen a lot of guitars that you guys may love but i don't find anything nice in those guitars. And getting a weird, radical shaped guitar it's because of the taste of the owner and not to attempt to be "different"...
  4. M

    Np :D

    Np :D
  5. M

    500$ for the new Ibanez XF350... Worth it?

    Ebony fretboard, lighting bolt inlays and another color... It would be awesome
  6. M

    Another Carvin thread!

    You gotta be kidding me dude:eek:
  7. M

    Another Carvin thread!

    I'd whore myself for weeks for that blue carvin!!
  8. M

    500$ for the new Ibanez XF350... Worth it?

    I think it's cool but like i said before... I'd preffer an Esp or an Ibanez :hbang:
  9. M

    500$ for the new Ibanez XF350... Worth it?

    That headstock it's cool imo. And to be honest I can deal with the shape of this ibanez lol, not my style because i preffer a good ESP M but meh. Just saying...
  10. M

    500$ for the new Ibanez XF350... Worth it?

    The title says it all, just want some comments about this awesome axe :hbang:
  11. M

    I need some help, B.C. Rich Ironbird Pro or Standard?

    Thanks for the comments guys :metal: . I'm from Costa Rica btw.. And yeah, i was thinking in buying the pro. I'll save more money then . But that pro would be awesome with black bevels :hbang:
  12. M

    I need some help, B.C. Rich Ironbird Pro or Standard?

    Thanks man, I'll wait for more comments but I'm pretty sure that I'll buy the pro:hbang:
  13. M

    I need some help, B.C. Rich Ironbird Pro or Standard?

    Hi, it's my first post here but hopefully not the last one . So here I am, thinking in wich guitar would be better. I started playing guitar 2 and a half years ago (My dad always bought me videogames and I always wanted a god damn guitar ). I got an Squier Strat, pretty decent and versatile...
  14. M

    If you could have any guitar...

    I'm kinda new here but I'd say that a Jem777 would be freaking awesome :scream: