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  1. T

    Sight reading exercises I made

    I know I'm looking at this well after the fact - but thank you so much for posting the content! This is a great practice aid for me both for site reading and overall positional practice.
  2. T

    Open Derivatives

    This may be a horribly stupid question to ask - but how important is it to be proficient playing 7-string open derivative chords versus playing the corollary 6-string versions? I've been playing long enough to know the 6-string versions fairly well - and when learning the 7-string versions, I'm...
  3. T

    7's - tone vs playability (opinions plz)

    Thank you all so much for the replies - I truly appreciate it. I'm taking what I'm learning here and really considering the options; purchase will be made next month. I'll be sure to post a pic once the new axe, whatever it may be, arrives.
  4. T

    7's - tone vs playability (opinions plz)

    Thank you so much Konfyouzd. I love the single coil sound - my first guitar that I played for the first 9 years of my guitar life was an American made Strat. Broke my heart when I was forced to sell it. Coil splitters in! The wood item is also very helpful. I'm going to have to really play...
  5. T

    7's - tone vs playability (opinions plz)

    Thanks guys - on the Carvins, which I am constantly looking at, I am eternally wondering if the coil splitters are worth it given the single coil in the middle of the DC747. Also - I am so curious as to wood choices. Their descriptions are pushing me into a direction that I'd love to pass by...
  6. T

    7's - tone vs playability (opinions plz)

    Thanks man! I know that setup has a bunch to do with it - it's just that I have listened to so many folks play the UV's that have that same "tinny" sound. I guess I just figured that it was just a characteristic of the guitar. Regardless - thanks.
  7. T

    7's - tone vs playability (opinions plz)

    :wallbash: I'll start off by saying that yes, I'm an idiot. That said, I need a few opinions from those who know better. I have a Dean Vendetta that I bought off of ebay to see if I like playing 7's. Turns out that I love it - so much that I don't play 6's anymore. I've grown up loving Vai and...