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  1. Incarnation

    Oh my.

    I posted that and few other pics to one topic some time ago. It's custom built for finnish guitarist Kuisma Aalto (plays in popular thrash band Mokoma), so it's not a 7-string version of any Eclipse ever built.
  2. Incarnation

    ESP Eclipse 7?

    Ehdottomasti. Hinnasta en osaa sanoa yhtään, mutta kai se jossain 2000 euron tietämillä vähintäänkin pyörii. Back to English: I can't say anything about the price of that thing, but I think it cost at least 2000 euros.
  3. Incarnation

    ESP Eclipse 7?

    No problem bro! I hope that helped you somehow. By the way, I've seen that guitar live and it is just stunning.
  4. Incarnation

    ESP Eclipse 7?

    7-string Eclipse? I've only seen this one: It's an ESP Custom, made for Kuisma...
  5. Incarnation

    My Custom 7 string guitar

    Goddamn that's nice! What guitar is it based on? I mean the neck and body shape? I want one too! :shred:
  6. Incarnation

    new 7 string V design

    Body looks just a little bit too small for that neck. At least body should be quite heavy to avoid "neck dive".
  7. Incarnation

    I think I'm in love

    3 humbuckers in one guitar doesn't look good, but nice guitar anyway.
  8. Incarnation

    Don't think they know what it is.

    Those pics make me cry. What kind of man owns that guitar? :scream:
  9. Incarnation

    Loomis and the Hellraiser C7

    Like The Dark Wolf said, it's foam. Does that piece of foam mute strings or what?
  10. Incarnation

    Loomis and the Hellraiser C7 Just look at that seven!