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  1. T

    Midi / Roland GK-3 on a 7 string?

    Got the VG-99 Monday. It didn't come with the cable to connect to pickup.. Went to guitar center, they didn't have it. I went to Sam Ash(and felt like I was cheating on GC by doing never again will I go to that Sam Ash. EVER! I'm usually the understanding type of guy since I've had...
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    Midi / Roland GK-3 on a 7 string?

    Ok.... so... Hopefully, I did this right. lol I think it might be a tad lower than the 1mm they said it should be... but the screw was already rattling against the low B string as it is... I did everything except for actually placing it on the body. I want to wait for my VG-99 to come in so I...
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    Midi / Roland GK-3 on a 7 string?

    So.. I just bought the pickup and left. You're right. If I can't manage it myself, I can always go back to the tech later. OK.. so.. are you trying to say to just use multiple strips of the adhesive tape stacked? That doesn't sound like it'd be stable, but I'm sure I misinterpreted Lmao.. I'm...
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    Midi / Roland GK-3 on a 7 string?

    no. He very specifically mentioned drilling into the guitar itself. Lol seemed a little odd to me too. I just don't really have any tools outside of some screw drivers. I wouldn't know how to cut a block of wood correctly nor do I have the tools to do it. =\
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    Midi / Roland GK-3 on a 7 string?

    just spoke with a tech at guitar center... said he'd charge like $35 to pretty cut out a piece of wood to place between some double sided tape and drill into it(and I'm assuming the guitar itself) so it'd act pretty much like a normal spring loaded pickup to adjust height.. even though I pretty...
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    Midi / Roland GK-3 on a 7 string?

    That answer offically makes you awesome in my book. Lol I just hope that mine comes with that since you said you had the GK-2a, if I remember right. I don't get it... I got a tracking number it says my VG-99 made is cross state lines in a day and is in my state as of today.. yet I won't receive...
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    Midi / Roland GK-3 on a 7 string?

    Sorry to double post, but does anyone have any definitive way they mounted this to theirs. I already have the VG-99 on it's way and I want to be sure I can get this GK-3 on mine when the time comes. I see a lot of "I did it", but i'm not quite clear on how it was done. I really don't want to...
  8. T

    Midi / Roland GK-3 on a 7 string?

    I actually decided on getting the VG-99 instead.. I found one on eBay for $750, which is less than it would cost me for the GR-55.... so.. Yeah.. I get the modeling AND the midi tracking I wanted. I'll just connect to my computer for midi for now and get something a little more mobile later. I...
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    Midi / Roland GK-3 on a 7 string?

    My concern about it was mainly getting it and it not fitting correctly.. does it need a different bracket or is everything it needs there? Do I have to offset it myself or does it just fit the right way on it's own? Sorry to keep asking.. I just want to be sure before I make the purchase. The...
  10. T

    Midi / Roland GK-3 on a 7 string?

    Sorry to pull an old thread back from the dead.. but, I have an LTD ESP H-207 and wanted to get the GR-55 and GK-3. Has anyone installed the GK-3 on a 7 string like this? It has a fixed bridge and through back stringing. I've seen it set up on fixed bridges and see that it comes with the...