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  1. B

    Mesa boogie Roadster. Gain problem?

    Thank you for all responses! I've tried everything but i need to turn the gain knob up all the way to get any type of Death metal distortion :/ I've been watching Ola Englunds video when he's testing a Roadster, but it looks like he only got the gain knob at noon to 2 o'clock :/ New preamp...
  2. B

    Mesa boogie Roadster. Gain problem?

    But that's the problem! I need to even if the master output is at 11 o'clock and channel master at 12 o'clock. If i have the gain at like 2 o'clock i only get a av/dc type of distorion.
  3. B

    Mesa boogie Roadster. Gain problem?

    Hi i recently bought a mesa boogie roadster head. I have "problem" with the gain in channel 4 on the modern mode. I need to turn up the gain to 4 o clock to get a really good "lamb of god" type of distorion. Is this normal? I mean it's almost all the way up! Ithe tubes are one year old. All...