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    Bloody PETA's at it again...

    .....What? How did we go from turkeys are stupid, to let's kill people with handicaps? Are you even paying attention? This is off topic; but, I'm a big believer in passive eugenics, but killing people just because they're slow is barbaric. However Killing for food is how life works -- it's...
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    Bloody PETA's at it again...

    PETA always says stuff that's good for a laugh, but as soon as you start thinking about it rationally.... Your day goes out the window. I'd rather deal with feminazi's then these dumbasses.
  3. A Band List

    Band: Apotheoses Music Type: Progressive Power Thrash Metal Gigging Area: Southwestern Ontario, Canada Website: Apotheoses | London, ON, CA | Metal / Progressive Power Thrash Metal | Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos | ReverbNation Myspace: (Facebook linking instead, Buahaha!) Facebook...
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    The Official 'Post Your Youtube Vids' Thread (Post your covers here)

    I can't say that this is much of a video. But it's a lyric video -- so it counts, I hope?
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    I have been frauded, by someone in the UK

    I haven't quite given up yet, I'm still working to resolve it all. It's just been.... Stressful and depressing as fuck. Thanks for the link, I intend on making use of it right away.
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    I have been frauded, by someone in the UK

    Honestly, I'm not even sure why I posted this. I feel like a moron for many reasons, including starting this thread. Too much stress, and not enough sleep seems the likely cause. Lesson learned.
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    I have been frauded, by someone in the UK

    Through a Bank transfer, or at least what I thought was a bank transfer. I'm pretty sure now that it was a hoax.
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    I have been frauded, by someone in the UK

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    I have been frauded, by someone in the UK

    Before I Start, I apologize for the bad grammar, I'm to upset to care. I normally do not really post on, but I have been convinced by my friend to see if I can get help - or at least some phone numbers for the authorities in England. The story goes: I sold my Cymbals too...
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    Triggers, and recording with them.

    I've been thinking through some ideas for recording, doubling up mics with triggers on toms, and the bass drum. I've done what research I can, I know it can be done. But, I've been having trouble finding examples of it. I was wondering if anyone on the forums has done it, and can show me an...
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    Drummers. Help my Friend.

    Yeah, this is a no brainer. Drummers are supposed to keep time - and if your time sucks, you're wasting your time, and the time of anyone you play with. Whenever you're doing on drums, it's essential to always do it with a metronome. Practice, writing, jamming even - Use a damn metronome...
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    Behemoth - Ov Fire And The Void (Multi-Cam Drum Cover)

    Holy shit, what an excellent cover!
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    Deciding the Genre for your music!

    :lol: How does one play it 'safe' while trying to get In the music biz? You hope for the best regardless. I was going to rant about how much the idea of sub genres, and pigeon holing your band was bad. Then I realized it was needed to some extent. So! In my personal experience; My band...
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    Show me your kits

    I honestly wish I knew why I can't play longboards. It's pretty damn retarded, and infuriating. I had a pair of Trick Dominator's for 2 or so years, and my feet could never adjust to them. Any 160~180 BPM range double bass runs (especially 8th note triplets) I couldn't do, no matter how much I...
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    Show me your kits

    It was a HH powerbell, I had it re-hammered by Sabian to raise the pitch. I found it would blend to much whenever I played double kick (Which is a lot!) I'm seeing a lot of nice kits on this thread now. I'm happy I brought this thread back to life! Ha! Axis are nice pedals, I wish my feet...
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    26 things holding Canada back

    Some of this does have grounds. I know far to many people that fit the bill for the 'Liberal Art Student,' and well, they're fucking broke! But, that's individual choice - nothing to do with the Canada being 'Dormant.' Most Canadian students are all to aware of how the world works, and the idea...
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    Show me your kits

    I guess I'm doing a bit of a Necro-Bump here, though I didn't see the point in starting a new thread. :lol: So, here's my set! The kit has been expanded a bit, but this is the most recent picture I have available! Pearl Vision Birch 6 piece: 8", 10", 12", and 16" toms, 22x18 Bass drum, and...
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    Live attire

    Haha, probably!
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    Live attire

    I couldn't agree more! One of the things most people don't immediately recognize is most (Not all, though) bands that 'made it,' generally have some cohesion for attire when they're on stage. As for my own personal preferences; Shorts! Shorts! Shorts! Shorts! And generally a black T, or band T...
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    youtube is your best friend for learning fills. One of my favorite resources: Here