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  1. kochmirizliv

    Some memes for (Rules Posted in OP -- Please Read)

    That guy from Korpiklaani :D
  2. kochmirizliv

    Sh*t nobody says- Seven string edition

    I dont like neck pickups :s "I need just one guitar"
  3. kochmirizliv

    Sh*t nobody says- Seven string edition

    "Ibanez sux"
  4. kochmirizliv

    Post Random Pics of Your 6s.

    If i can stop my self from falling in love on this thread That would be great... :)
  5. kochmirizliv

    NGD Ibanez JPM 100 P1!!!

    ...k you man!Im ultra jelly about it! HNGD!
  6. kochmirizliv

    Ibanez`s edge setup

    Well,D is enough ^I`ll look up the trem guide :))
  7. kochmirizliv

    Ibanez`s edge setup

    Hey guys,I want to tune down my Ibanez,but the action is very low and the strings act like rubberbands when I try to downtune it,so can anyone help me out on how to get the action higher? cheers!
  8. kochmirizliv

    Sh*t nobody says- Seven string edition

    ^Well they really do... :)
  9. kochmirizliv

    Crazy-ass dreams you've had

    I once dreamed that im king Arthur and i fell in the shaft of the lift in my flat,but it was full of snakes which I killed with the sword,after that i ran from zombies O.o
  10. kochmirizliv

    Why are you happy right now?

    My super awesome girlfriend gave me this for no damn reason O.O ^^ aaaarghhh! (its not the actual pic but there isn`t enough light)
  11. kochmirizliv

    Post Your GAS

    I dont want that much,right? :)
  12. kochmirizliv

    BC Rich owners club!!!!

    what is that creature?! :)
  13. kochmirizliv

    Sh*t nobody says- Seven string edition

    "Man,the new albums of Sepultura are awesome!"
  14. kochmirizliv

    Weird things you do no one knows about until now

    Well,I hate someone being behind me when i open a door,I don know maybe im paranoid but I always let them pass first O.o
  15. kochmirizliv

    The Car Thread

    Whats the bike name again? O.o Looks awesome!
  16. kochmirizliv

    Why are you mad right now?

    Im mad because i haven`t f*cked since summer...
  17. kochmirizliv

    SS Love and Relationships Thread

    Hope some day to find again that kind of relationship... :) :metal:
  18. kochmirizliv

    Some memes for (Rules Posted in OP -- Please Read)

    That must be some pop song in original...?