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  1. D

    Thoughts on the schecter JLV-7?

    i mean i've never played one but based on the specs if that's what you're into it should be fine. guitars are simple that way, if it comes from a reliable manufacturer and you like the specs it should be fine. try and play one somewhere though.
  2. D

    NGD Douglas Hadron Black Flame

    why would you continue to buy guitars from someone that was a dick to you? especially bothering your friends to order them for you to "trick" kurt. that's just a whole thing for "meh" guitars
  3. D

    How should I tweak my tones (Pod HD500) for live use, going direct to the board?

    I've found my patch sounds good at normal level but cranked through the pa at rehearsal it sounds amazing. definitely boosts the treble when full on volume so take that into consideration. follow these suggestions in the thread and you should be good.
  4. D

    My band's DIY live music video

    that's actually really good for "thrown together last minute" dig the song
  5. D

    Schecter KM-7 owners circle

    cool now all the people i envy are together in one convenient thread. considering getting one with my tax return though :wavey:
  6. D

    DIY Kit: What would I need in order to be able to put this guitar together?

    And a good stiff drink when you realize this is a shit kit.
  7. D

    NGD: My first Seven. Ibanez J-Custom 8527

    Da-da-da-dayumm son!
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    Lounge Jazz Volumes Cover (AFJ957 content)

    I think they would dig this. Mike used to be big into jazz. Good job!
  9. D

    Pickup covers

    ^I think you're onto something. Better hurry and trademark "pickup socks" before someone else does...:cool:
  10. D

    Best Cab ($300 range) to use with HD500

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I will definitely look into the Carvin and Line 6 cabs.
  11. D

    Best Cab ($300 range) to use with HD500

    Hi all, I'm researching how I want to run my HD500 live. I've been playing it through a power amp into a 15 inch PA speaker but I want to switch to using a cab for aesthetic reasons. What 4x12 would you suggest? Looking to spend around $300 or possibly a little more. Just want a clear sound that...
  12. D

    Download my new Prog Metal track "Fantômas"

    that was pretty interesting. I like how tight everything was
  13. D

    I'd like some feedback on my new mix!

    A little too bright on the guitar but that might just be me. It's really clear though I like that. The bass seems a little dead. Maybe eq it a little differently.
  14. D

    Becoming your own worst enemy?

    I haven't had an experience like that nor do I think I ever will. It's not that hard to just not get drunk and act like a retard at your show.
  15. D

    New Schecter Models Megathread

    OHHHHHHH!!!!!! Burn
  16. D

    New Schecter Models Megathread

    ^good shit
  17. D

    Post Your GAS

  18. D

    Unjustly Labeled Thread

    Good stuff
  19. D

    New Schecter Models Megathread

    That looks amazing. Might be buying a Schecter next year
  20. D

    Kicking myself up the backside

    I definitely agree with MoshJosh. I spend most of my day at my computer doing homework or watching movies and my guitar is always in my hands. I used to spend 30 minutes a day playing guitar but now it's more like 3 or 4 hours just by having it always ready and good to go.