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    Question about equipment for live sound

    Anything around a grand, total.
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    Question about equipment for live sound

    Gotcha. Any recommendations?
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    Question about equipment for live sound

    I'm looking to buy a speaker/cab to run live guitar through. Just played my first show and now I realize how vital this equipment is gonna be, haha! Anyways, I'm look at the Mesa/Boogie 4x12 rectifier, was wondering if it would work. Mesa/Boogie 4 x 12" Rectifier Standard Cab Black...
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    HLB/Vildhjarta-esque Mix/Riff Test

    Thanks dude! I've been meaning to look a bit more into parallel compression for the drums as I hear that gives 'em the punch you need while maintaining clarity, as that's my biggest issue with drums so far. Can't keep that clear feeling and punch at the same time. And I don't pick entirely...
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    HLB/Vildhjarta-esque Mix/Riff Test

    All thoughts and feedback appreciated!
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    Need Help Completing Live Rig

    Nice to know I'm not completely screwed with equipment, haha! Thanks man, appreciate it.
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    Need Help Completing Live Rig

    Hey guys! I was recently provided the opportunity to play a live gig with my group but I personally don't own any live gear (I record out of my home studio set up). I have already bought a Pod HD500X to emulate all my effects and tones for the show, but I need to know what speaker or cab...
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    Remixed/Remastered Deftones Cover/Comparison

    Would love to hear some thoughts, good and bad, about my new cover of Change (in the house of flies). Original; Re-recorded; Comparisons are welcome, as well as a critique of the re-recording so I can figure out how to improve upon my recordings even more. Thanks for anyone who...
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    Completed Prog EP Seeking Vocals

    My project, entitled "Innominate" is currently seeking a vocalist to completely finish the first 5 track EP. The EP is about 13 to 14 minutes long, and has been completely mixed and mastered (with the exception of two tracks still being worked on, although they're likely to stay instrumental)...
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    mod edit: Let's keep it to one thread in the appropriate section next time
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    Online collaboration Djent/Deathcore

    I'm not too great at programming but if you'd like I could definitely try and help you out a bit. ^Some of the stuff I've programmed. Not sure if you're interested, but if you are shoot me...
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    Ambient Progmetal Needing Vocalist (Demo Included)

    I'm planning on finishing this current track and starting others of similar genre, and I need a vocalist to complete them. If you're interested, please email me at If anyone here can play five string bass and would like to contribute that'd be great too, but this little...
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    [Looking for Vocals] Generic Mix Test

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    Gojira- of Blood and Salt (Partial cover test)

    I really agree with the guitar sounds, wasn't quite sure how to go about achieving that beyond lowering the gain. I'll mess with some of the EQ and see how that goes. Thanks!
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    Gojira- of Blood and Salt (Partial cover test)

    buuuuuuuuuuump :hbang:
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    [Looking for Vocals] Generic Mix Test

    Would love to hear some thoughts on this quick demo I'm looking forward to completing. Would also be very interested in collaborating with vocalists around the forum, if anyone's interested feel free to email me at This...
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    Gojira- of Blood and Salt (Partial cover test)

    Thought I'd try my hand at a Gojira cover, and came up with this. It's only a partial cover, but I wanted to get a couple opinions from some fresh ears as to how close I've come to the original. Thanks!
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    Questions about transitioning from studio to live play

    I'd like to play live with my band, and we have only ever recorded studio tracks. We haven't even thought about playing live yet, and we'd like to know some of the equipment we'd need to buy to start playing live shows in front of anywhere between 25-100 people in small local venues. Anything...
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    Need Information About Live Play

    I'd like to play live with my band, and we have only ever recorded studio tracks. We haven't even thought about playing live yet, and we'd like to know some of the equipment we'd need to buy to start playing live shows in front of anywhere between 25-100 people in small local venues. Anything...
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    djenty but not really mix test

    buuuuuuuuuump. :wavey: