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  1. J

    The case against earplugs

    I am thirty and my hearing is shot. I spent years in bands playing Metal and going to Metal shows. Then a manager at WalMart screamed over the p.a. one night and...well I don't know if you'd call it blowing my eardrums out but I guess you could. What followed was a ringing in my ears (tinnitus)...
  2. J

    Anyone else use raised tunings?

    Talk, talk, and more talk of drop d and a, but what for tuning the low string up? Like most guitarists, I've toyed around with a myriad of tunings. I wrote a couple songs with my 6th string up to F but it was only recently that I really took the effort to understand it. Now I've given up on...
  3. J

    Conflicted over selling for "sentimental" reasons

    Sentimental value is tough. Yet, once the guitar is gone, so is the sentimental value. If it really bothers you, read or watch Fight Club. 'The things you own end up owning you.' You are not the things you are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world.
  4. J

    Endorsements - "HOW TO"

    I think the real concern lies with how Rappers can get endorsements easily and make tons of loot off of them...yet as a Rock-based musician it's ridiculously difficult and elusive and all ya get is a discount or free gear. I mean: Atheletes make so much. Especially the X-Games people. No, it's...
  5. J

    Tuning to B flat reccomendations...

    Any given 7 string guitar should be able to handle being tuned a semitone flat. Where I understand that there is a Djent aesthetic when it comes to guitars, I don't think that any guitar is genre specific. If Death Metal is in you then you'll play it on every guitar you pick up. That said, a...