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  1. Kylezan

    Another GetGoodDrums post - this time doing Catch Fire

    These drums sound fantastic. It would be awesome to see what went into the processing :) Also which samples did you use from the pack?
  2. Kylezan

    FREE VOCAL FX CHAIN - Mixing and Processing

    Great video, really appreciate it! Cheers! Now I have to go dig for those M7 IRs that are lurking around my hard drive somewhere ;)
  3. Kylezan

    TSE Audio x50 AMP/CAB SIM

    Wow thanks for all the awesome information, nice thread! TSE x50 has been my go to for some time now when it comes to high gain amp sims in the box. Most things I have tried simply do not come close. The very best thing about the x50 in my opinion is that it simply works well without much...
  4. Kylezan

    Mercuriall U530 Clips - Raw guitars and Mix

    The tone sounds great, thanks for the clip. I've been pretty curious in this VST as it sounds like it would be another good tool.
  5. Kylezan

    Recommend me some headphones

    I also have the Beyer DT770s and like them a good bit. They aren't complete replacements for my studio monitors but they are solid.
  6. Kylezan

    Izotope kicking more free shizz

    Yea thanks a lot dude!
  7. Kylezan

    Which cymbal samples are your favorite?

    Superior Drummer expansions have great cymbals. Not very found of the base avatar library. Metal Foundary and Metal Machinery sound fantastic.
  8. Kylezan

    Axe FX Standard Mixtest

    Nice tone, I like the the clean tone in the beginning a lot actually. The subtle grit is really nice. It's also nice to see someone post using a standard axefx. It shows you don't need the latest and the greatest to get great results. I remember when the standard came out and how floored...
  9. Kylezan

    Toneforge - Ben Bruce | Metal Test •••VIDEO•••

    I really like this. Great tone and overall mix. The riffs are really cool too. Great video, thanks man. I havn't felt the need to try his amp vst's but I've enjoyed all his other plug ins i've tried, so maybe I'll pick up toneforge soon.
  10. Kylezan

    Favorite amp sims and cab impulses?

    TSE x50 Catharsis impulses These are the two things I find myself using all the time. I'll track with podfarm mostly, but have actually been using it for bass tone as of late. If I'm not using my kemper or a real amp on a mix then it's mostly TSE x50
  11. Kylezan

    I have some Christmas money for VSTs...

    If you are using mostly "metal" style tones. Please just get TSE x50. It is worth way more than the $70 it costs. It is the only VST amp sim that I find myself using anymore.
  12. Kylezan

    JST Conquer All vs Rosen Digital IR Shootout

    Thanks for uploading man! Really interesting as I was curious about the new JST IRs. I haven't even listened on proper speakers, but wow the Rosen IRs are much more 3D and pleasing. Not surprised to be honest.
  13. Kylezan

    New Single! FFO The Dillinger Escape Plan (CRIT MY MIX)

    For sure man, maybe ill get to uploading stems for you sometime this week.
  14. Kylezan

    New Single! FFO The Dillinger Escape Plan (CRIT MY MIX)

    I totally agree with you man! This music really needs all organic tones and I just didn't have the time to do it between clients right now. For our full length Im going for the converge/deathwish style recordings.
  15. Kylezan

    New Single! FFO The Dillinger Escape Plan (CRIT MY MIX)

    Hey guys check out my new project! Let me know what you think of the mix. I didn't have the time to spend on getting the organic tones i wanted for this album so I ended up using Superior for drums and TSEx50 for guitars. Im fairly happy with the way it came out! You can download the EP for...
  16. Kylezan

    Single I just finished mixing for a Hardcore band! (Crit!)

    I see, I'm guessing you were playing the cypress a good bit? That's cool though man, glad to see someone in the vicinity on the forum. Thanks for checking out the mix.
  17. Kylezan

    Single I just finished mixing for a Hardcore band! (Crit!)

    Yea they are all from around the area. The drummer is actually from Lulling believe it or not. What bands did you play with?
  18. Kylezan

    Single I just finished mixing for a Hardcore band! (Crit!)

    I appreciate the kind words and criticism alike. Actually some of the grit on the bass is eating away at the vocals after inspection. Definitely will have to watch my low end next time and carve more room out for vocals in general.
  19. Kylezan

    First time recording real guitars. Feedback?

    Wow man, I really like this guitar tone. Works really well for this type of genre. LOL at this song, it reminds me of Down To Nothing haha i dig it! The only thing holding this mix back is the lack of a "raw" sounding drum track.
  20. Kylezan

    Single I just finished mixing for a Hardcore band! (Crit!)

    Wow man thanks for the compliments. I just checked out your thread and commented! I appreciate your time dude!