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  1. B

    Unpopular Opinions

    My 2 euro-cents: 99% of what they write to sell you pickups is BS! You paid far too much for the pickups you bought last time. The sound you wanted could have been achieved at a small fraction of the cost, with the pickups you already had. EOR, Basil
  2. B

    Can someone break down Fender's current line up for me?

    Curious, where is there a page with the US line-up of current Fenders? Basil
  3. B

    Adding a trim pot to an active guitar

    Hi :) Cut or unsolder the wire at the blue cross and connect a 47KΩ trimpot as sketched. That'll give you up to 12dB drop in volume. The Tone capacitor might need to be replaced with one ½ to ¼ the original size, depending on your liking. Have fun; Basil