Search results

  1. ire_works

    Engl SE +6U roadcase , pedals!

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Engl SE El34 edition Modifications (if any): none Accessories (hardshell case etc): an awesome roadcase Location (City,State or City,Country): Prince George BC , Canada International OK? : no Contact Info (No Phone #s) References (eBay or other...
  2. ire_works

    Jackson RR5 , Ibanez s520

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Jackson RR5 Rhoads model Modifications (if any): None Accessories (hardshell case etc): Official Jackson Hardshell case Location (City,State or City,Country): Prince George , BC Canada International OK? : prefere not Contact Info (No Phone #s) on...
  3. ire_works

    NAD (ENGL SE + Road Case)

    Engl Se El34 and an Angstrom road case. Yay life. I still can't believe the deal I got on this bad boy. And a nice little home for it to live in aswell. The beginings of a truely EPIC blinky lights = tone rig that will hopefully be completed soon. But hey , how about some pictures...
  4. ire_works help me choose my next amp!

    I'm going through a weird growing phase , and I think I need a little more tone flexibility. I have an amazing metal rig , but find it lacking in what else I wanna do. so with out further adew , I'll explain what I've got , and what I'm considering getting. I have and possibly selling: An...
  5. ire_works

    Jack Chop (NSFW whatsoever)

    this was posted on recently , and i've watched it about 18 times now , and there are LITERALLY , tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard. There is alot of swearing and some gore that anyone with a dark sense of humor should enjoy. It was made by Adam Green , the...
  6. ire_works

    <Moshing can be heartwarming too.

    i don't know if any of you have seen this person at shows before , or seen this video that was recently posted on metalsucks , but i needed to share this with you. The only word that springs to mind is heart-warming. the kinda thing you see and just feel a sense of pride knowing you'd...
  7. ire_works

    I've Said It Before , And I'll Say It Again...

    Japanese Television is messed up.... Clip is possibly NSFW and pretty messed up. Discuss , or try and top that.
  8. ire_works

    The Crabwalk Returnith!!! (HxCore lameness content)

    I was making my rounds on the metal websites , and stopped by myspace metal to find this band posted on the main page with their video , i was just about to turn it off when... GASP the crabwalk. epic fail happens 1:15 - 1:19 aswell as autotuned clean vocals ...... yikes...
  9. ire_works

    Kumar to join Obama administration

    Actor Kal Penn to join Obama administration :metal:
  10. ire_works

    Effigy of The Forgotten - Decibel's album of the month

    Decibel Magazine: Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten Commentary by the band on recording and the early days of Suffocation. Full article. I figured you guys would appreciate this , good read. :shred:
  11. ire_works

    Random lol youtube vid

    i thought you guys would appreciate this
  12. ire_works

    Ire_works and TaronKeim 's WINtour '09 picstory of doom!!!

    So I sent my good friend Taron the news that Meshuggah , Cynic and The Faceless would be bring wintour'09 to vancouver , a good solid plane ride away. The next time i talked to him was one the phone where (and i quote) he said "dude i'm on ticketmaster right now with our plane , hotel and...
  13. ire_works

    Paul Gilbert: You have got to be kidding me

    :holy: simply put , you have got to be kidding me. :spock:
  14. ire_works

    Subject: Good life lesson.

    you can thank by buddy for sending me that one. :bowdown:
  15. ire_works

    Need a quick pick-me-up?

    ... form your normal day to day stress? F*** My Life - FML : Your everyday life stories. epic :lol: ensue
  16. ire_works

    Planning a tone intervention for a friend

    Hey guys , i've been invited to jam with my friend's band , pretty Skinless/Deathcore sound , and i like the guys alot. they needed a lead guitar player and i offered to listento them jam and they seemed pretty excited. After hearing my good friends guitar tone and complaining about it to him ...
  17. ire_works

    Jeff Loomis Instrucional DVD - feb 17th

    SUPER-HANDSOME MOD EDIT: merged threads:yesway: Our lady of blessed shred-ucation , this could be useful. I'm not one for any of guitar worlds lame instruction series where they teach the same easy exercises , but to get help from "The" Loomis? :holy: plus its coming out on my birthday :hbang...
  18. ire_works

    Brewing mead with Amon amarth. WTF?

    MetalKult » Brewing Mead with AMON AMARTH I'm seriously considering trying this , maybe leaving it in the back shed behind the house. Interesting to me at least.
  19. ire_works

    Suicide Silence Playing 8s? pics to prove it

    all i saw were pics of their one guitar player , Mark , weilding an LTD 8 , but couldn't find any other ergs in the pics i saw. but we have spotted an 8 in their midst! :shred:
  20. ire_works

    Rig Help Needed

    So heres the deal: I got plenty of pedals running through my setup and i'm considering switching to more of a rack setup , but i know nothing about them when it comes to controling multiple components. so heres my stuff: Peavey 5150 120w head (biased , already sounds great) Vader 4x12 cab...