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  1. M

    Mesa boogie dual rectifier multi watt custom shop

    You accept pay with a credit card? Master card?
  2. M

    In what price is the best advice to buy a used Mesa Dual Rectifier?

    In the case of a Dual Rectifier Reborn (multiwatts), what is the ideal price range?
  3. M

    In what price is the best advice to buy a used Mesa Dual Rectifier?

    I can see in guitar center various dual rectifiers in 1000$, 1100$, 1200$, 1300$, but, I not know. A new dual rectifier is around 1950$, and a used 1000$? This is not very danger? Because, I think that this can be broken or bad. In what range of price is the best advice to buy a mint used...
  4. M

    EVH 5150 iii 50w vs Peavey 5150 *vid* with Blackmachine

    Yes, but, I think that the correct is this, make a video with 2 sections: 1 section: both amps with all knobs at 12 o'clock. 2 section: each amp with the best EQ for he. Only that, the video of the user in this post, is cool, but, only need this, to do this more interesting.
  5. M

    EVH 5150 iii 50w vs Peavey 5150 *vid* with Blackmachine

    Ok, but, that is the natural sound of the amp, if this is muddy turd, the amp is muddy turd, the video in the link, show a true video comparison in 4 sections: 1 section: both amps with the knobs at 12 o'clock. 2, 3, 4 sections: both amps with differents EQ. But, the man in this post (evh vs...
  6. M

    EVH 5150 iii 50w vs Peavey 5150 *vid* with Blackmachine

    Because, with different settings we can do that one head sound like the other. But, I think that when we have the idea of make a video comparison, we need that this will be the more naturally possible, and this can will be with the all knobs at 12 o'clock to know exactly which is the sound in...
  7. M

    EVH 5150 iii 50w vs Peavey 5150 *vid* with Blackmachine

    Is a good work man, but, you should put all the knobs at 12 o'clock in both amps to hear in reality, who they sound :) Is a advice, and is the best to make a comparison :) Like this video:
  8. M

    EVH 5150 III we go again!

    Well, anyway, I say this because I have the 5153 50 watts and in home, I never can put the volume in more of 1, sound really loud, and, to get the same problem in a 50 watts, I prefer keep the 100 watts and get a better overall tone always! Because, the 50 watts, NEVER can have the fuller sound...
  9. M

    EVH 5150 III we go again!

    NO SELL YOUR HEAD MAN! Is better than the 50 watts, the 50 watts sound good to low volume, pero in high volume IS BAD! I not like that! Keep your head 100 watts, and use your headphones in the rear of the amp.
  10. M

    Peavey 6505 vs Peavey 6505+ vs EVH 5150 III

    When we talk about metal, always is a standard the amps of Eddie Van Halen. The Peavey 6505 (5150), Peavey 6505+ (5150 ii) and finally EVH 5150 III. I only want know in reality which is the real differences that exist in this amplifiers. Cleans, distortions and quality of build (reliability)...
  11. M

    EVH 5150 III 50 watts vs 100 watts.

    Thanks man, I tell you something, before, I use a boost gt 8, and my effect for distortion, ALWAYS is the Dual Rectifier. Nothing better like this amp, for me, of course, the others, not like much, but, the rectifier, always was my choice (sorry for my bad English, I talk Spanish).
  12. M

    EVH 5150 III 50 watts vs 100 watts.

    Sure, well I think test first the mesa, and if this I like, buy one. :)
  13. M

    EVH 5150 III 50 watts vs 100 watts.

    So, the difference in tone, is the same between a EVH 5153 50 watts and the 100 watts?
  14. M

    EVH 5150 III 50 watts vs 100 watts.

    Also, I need something less tighter. I have this options to buy: -Peavey 6505 head 120watts. -Peavey 6505+ head 120watts. -EVH 5150 III 100 watts. -Mesa Boogie Lonestar Classic (not special). 100 watts. -Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier. -Marshall JVM410H. -Marshall JCM800. What amplifiers...
  15. M

    EVH 5150 III 50 watts vs 100 watts.

    Mesa Boogie Rectifier Traditional 4x12 with v30. The problem not is my cabinet, one day I play a Ibanez TSA30H and this only in clean, sound awesome. Distortion, not so good, someone say: "This clean (Ibanez TSA30H) sound like a Fender Blues Deville or Bassman", the overall tone in that head is...
  16. M

    EVH 5150 III 50 watts vs 100 watts.

    Well, the problem with me is that... I have the EVH 5153 50 watts version, but, I not like this, sound very tighter, and brighter for me. I love a sound more dark, fat, thick and fuller, not so agressive like the 50 watts version, and the 50 watts sound thin for me. Now, my question, the 100...
  17. M

    EVH 5150 III 50 watts vs 100 watts.

    Same heads, but with different power. I need know which is the real difference between this heads, isn't only the volume, I think that they have differences in the tone. What can say me?
  18. M

    Jazz and High Gain, What?

    I need buy a new amp, my EVH 5153 50 watts, I not like, the tone not is for me. I want a head that can give this tone in cleans (in the video at 2:30 minutes): And the distortion like this: Like you can...
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    Best speaker to EVH 5150 III 50 watts, V30 is very bad!

    But, the problem, is in reality on the speakers, or the head? See this video, they make a comparison between Celestion G12T-75 and Creambacks, the sound in the G12T-75 is for me very brigther in comparison with the Creambacks. See this: The G12T-75...