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    SBMM JP70 fret buzz

    Thanks a bunch for the tips. I was just afraid it wasn't a problem that's fixable - I wish I'd taken it to someone else sooner now, because the way I had set the action to compensate made playing the guitar very uncomfortable. I'll feel much better about selling it knowing that the next owner...
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    SBMM JP70 fret buzz

    Hey folks, This John Petrucci sig model has been my main instrument for almost two years now but it seems its time has past now that I've found the love of my life. I was gonna hold on to it anyway because there's a lot of sentiment there, but this new 8 string is really just such...
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    SBMM JP70 fret buzz

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    Replacing stock pickups for a SBMM JP70

    Based on reviews and examples they sound like they're what I'm looking for. I don't know if people make knockoffs or anything similar, but I don't exactly need top-of-the-line and that's what these seem to be. Currently playing out of an Ibanez X Tone Master. It's solid state, but based on...
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    Replacing stock pickups for a SBMM JP70

    I got my SBMM JP70 in the mail a few weeks back and I'm absolutely loving it, except that the stock pickups are really disappointing. I picked it just based on what a few of my favorite guitarists/bands use, and since that worked so well the first time, I continued with that strategy and...
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    JP70 Sterling By Music Man Owners' Club

    I have no idea how to manipulate this kind of bridge myself anyway.. the action seems fine it's just the buzz that gets me. I'll just take it to the local shop.
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    JP70 Sterling By Music Man Owners' Club

    I got mine in the mail last week, been playing the hell out of it since. My fingertips hurt for the first time in a LONG time and it feels good. Silly question, is fret buzz out of the package normal? I'm only hearing it past the 12th fret in the mid range strings, it doesn't sound too bad...
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    Question on buying a seven-string

    Oh, that's beautiful. But, no, I'm looking for an electric specifically. I use the Gibson and Ibanez for different things, and as much as I love the Gibson it's getting quite old, and I'm really not comfortable carrying around a vintage guitar. It looks like some of those places Max listed...
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    Question on buying a seven-string

    I'm in Whitewater, I don't have a car here so I can only really pick one or two places to be driven to. My first thoughts were Milwaukee and Madison. As for neck/tone/finish preferences. I've really only played on C/D shaped necks, willing to try anything. As for tone, I really don't know how...
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    Question on buying a seven-string

    So I'm not so new to playing guitar but I don't have much experience in buying them. It's about time that I bought a new one and I'm very interested in buying or at least trying out a seven-string. The problem I'm running into is that almost NOBODY seems to carry seven strings, and if they...