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  1. K

    The Laney Ironheart Owners Thread

    Does anyone use the pod hd pro with the irt studio? Like using the pod as fx and the laney as.. the amp?
  2. K

    Irt studio & pod hd pro

    Anyone use the pod hd pro with a irt studio? Is it possible to 4cm it to use the irt as a power amp? Is it loud enough for gigs and unmicd full band practices?
  3. K

    The Laney Ironheart Owners Thread

    Apologies if this has been covered but is the irt studio loud enough for gigs and band practices without being micd up? I'm just looking to use it as a power amp for my pod hd pro
  4. K

    Ibanez Rg8 Pickguard template here!

    I made my pickguard to suit my Bareknuckle juggernaut the other day im nearly ready to install it, but, I have one more question, do I need a longer pot than the original? if not how do you install the pot and knob so that the knob doesn't rub on the pickguard? cheers
  5. K

    Late NGD:- MercerMachine B7 Clone

    does anyone have steves contact details?
  6. K

    Best Blackmachine copies?

    I can never find any info on the mercer guitars, never seen one on ebay either, id love to see if he'd do an 8 string version...
  7. K

    Ibanez Rg8 Pickguard template here!

    What's the best way to print this full size? Sorry if I'm digging up dead flesh so to speak...