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    Check out our band!!!

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    Check out our band!!!

    :hbang: lol, no, the name of the band is "mock therapy". we just used my buddys myspace account!!
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    Check out our band!!!

    whats up guys, i've been out for awhile, i broke my finger at work, so its been hard to try to play, but heres what we have so far!!
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    Pics of my meager stringed instrument collection

    Nice schecter. i really dig the blue sunburst finish on the bass!
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    FS Emerald Carbon Fiber 7-String Acoustic

    OMG thats the most beautiful acoustic i have ever seen
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    Odd Guitars

    Some of the ugliest guitars i have ever seen!!!
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    Rate my band's wallpapers!

    I like the last one the best
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    It took a while...

    very nice man! I like the white binding around the fretboard
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    It's finally here!!!

    God i love this guitar!! it plays SO good :bowdown: i just need to get used to playing 7 strings again- its been about 2 years since i sold my my dean avalanche-7 when i pulled it out of the box, my eyes were wide open with excitement, when i pulled off the wrapping it was perfect. not a...
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    It's finally here!!!

    well, tonight after another depressing day at work/school. i pull up in my driveway, and i find a big package sitting on my front porch. it finally came, my Schecter Damien-7. God it plays/looks so good!! it was well worth the wait!(3.5 months) :shred: i will post some pics later when i get...
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    Reactions to your 7 string?

    i was reading on another music forum (which i wont mention) and this dude was all like "a guitar cant have an odd number of strings because it throws off the balance." :wallbash: every time that i used to play my dean avalanche7(gone) on gigs, everyone would be like," WTF is wrong with you?"
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    My Custom KXK 7 String Guitar Build Progress

    That's a sweet 7-string you have there! gotta love black and silver :hbang:
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    Man am I getting tired of waiting for this...

    yeah I also am waiting for a schecter(damien-7) its been about a month so far thats its been on back order......i am really getting impatient :wallbash: