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  1. C

    ESP Eclipse II Std Series, $850 - Need to move!

    Free bump! Why such a low price? Don't these retail for like 1,600 new?
  2. C

    NGD: _pretty Jackson SLSMG (understatement of the year)

    Good lord, that is amazing Edit: just saw how old this thread is ;_;
  3. C

    #NGD2 (Again) Thorn - 047 Forest with Thorn Family

    One of the absolute most beautiful guitars I've ever seen So jelly
  4. C

    N(1/2)GD! IC7321

    That's absolutely beautiful x.x Congrats on the build, bro. Looks amazing
  5. C

    Jim Root Strat Pickup Install Nightmare

    Really sexy guitar man. Glad it all worked out for you :) Hnpd
  6. C

    LTD M1000

    In the picture of the floyd, is that a bunch of dust in the trem/cavity or is that oxidization? <_< I know you said there's some rust, but is that what all of that is? Does it effect anything negatively?
  7. C

    The Blackening

    That thing is beautiful, man. If you ever decide to sell it, put me on the notifications list please. :hbang:
  8. C

    NGD: ESP ltd H7 2015 40th anniversary

    That finish is beautiful x.x happy ngd man, how much did it run you?
  9. C

    I thought I was good until......

    Learning theory doesn't make you sound like a robot, if you're using it properly. The rules were made to be broken in regards to that aspect of playing. No matter what you're playing either way, it's already been done, and does fall into some aspect on the theory spectrum. I know this doesn't...
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    NGD - Ibanez RG Prestige

    Beautiful guitar man, hngd.
  11. C

    I thought I was good until......

    Oh my :lol: This one is kind of a doozy. Mainly because of Keith's style. Just listen to the way he plays and if you know theory, try to analyze what he does. Try to emulate his sound. Keith Merrow himself is a rhythm player and knows little to no theory. He's said that numerous times...
  12. C

    What albums have you been waiting forever for?

    Waiting for Solution .45's next album. I was promised a double album in 2014 and it's 2015 now and I've heard 0 tracks from it. >:(
  13. C

    NGD : PRS SE Orianthi Scarlet Red

    That's beautiful. How much did it run you?
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    NGD: LTD Content

    That looks badass man. The black looks so good :s
  15. C

    NGD: Gibson RD Silverburst

    Nice dude. Saw where you posted this on ug earlier too :p
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    NGD: Mayones Setius M6

    Nice man. Looks really good.
  17. C

    Family couch shots

    Wow, that's probably the most impressive collection I've ever seen. Wow.
  18. C

    I'm back, figured out my own life

    Well ok then