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  1. C

    Pro-Tone pedals delivery

    Totally agree. Took nearly 4 months for my protone haunted delay to arrive but my God was it worth it. Certainly not a company you'd wanna wish upon a quick delivery but the products themselves speak volumes in quality.
  2. C

    Randall V2 Archetype

    Why sell such a kickass amp :( its such a badass randall too.
  3. C

    Random Pics of Your Rig

    Randall V2 Archetype & Blackstar Blackfire 200. Cabs a montage pro 2x12 loaded with eminence man o war and governor.
  4. C

    Pedal Recommendations for my Prog Metal Rig

    Apologises if this if my thread has been posted in the wrong place. I'm assuming it goes in the gear section but hey ho. I'll post a selection of my gear so far and then go further into the question I'm hoping you guys could help me on my ever-growing quest. Guitar Wise: Edwards E-FR-130GTR...
  5. C

    Protone Pedal Questions?

    Yeah I'll grin and bare it for the moment, it's just weird that there is one 1 video of the haunted delay and that's with mark playing it and that's it. I'm a fan of the pedals after buying a Protone Misha signature second hand for around £120.
  6. C

    Protone Pedal Questions?

    Cheers for the quick comment technomancer. The more you learn I guess.
  7. C

    Protone Pedal Questions?

    Any of you guys ordered a protone pedal? How long did it take for you to receive it? What did you think of the build quality of the pedal? Only reason I ask is I've ordered a Mark Holcomb Haunted Delay pedal and haven't heard anything. I tried emailing the guy and just got a generated...
  8. C

    Greetings from Cardiff, UK

    Hi guys and girls!, first time member here. My Name's April, been playing six-strings for around year, looking at trying out a 7 string for versatility at some point in the near future. Music Wise Im Massively Influenced by Bands like Dream Theater, Gojira, Pephiery, Dir En Grey, Scar...