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    Mishas Sig?

    Thank you misha!!!:shred::shred::shred:
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    Mishas Sig?
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    Mishas Sig?

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    Mishas Sig?

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    Mixtest MixTest Intervlas - THE ESCAPE AXE FX BKP

    really really like intervlas guitar is lbz2127fx, bkp aftermath pickup, axe fx, durm is sd2. Tell me what you think:shred::hbang::hbang::hbang::hbang::hbang:
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    Periphery - The bad thing Mixtest, Axe fx rhythm tone !

    My guitar is ibanez rgd 2127 bkp aftermath pickup, i used 6160 block amp and zilla cab IRs .I really like periphery sounds! Let me know what you guys think!:hbang::hbang::hbang: