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  1. thisiswhywefight

    With your help

    Double them up if a single track feels weak, do as many takes as you have to to get them to sound rad, EQ to taste but preferably as little as possible, if you're adding distortion try setting the wet mix on the distortion at around 20-30% at first and bump it up if you want even more of an...
  2. thisiswhywefight

    Post-Metal I'm Halfway through College track!

    I just want to say Night Verses is amazing and their guitarist is quickly becoming one of my favorites. The solo on To The Ends of The Earth is basically the best solo I've ever heard.
  3. thisiswhywefight

    Deftones- Diamond Eyes Deathcore cover

    Sounds great, the guitar tone is pretty close to the original. I kinda wish the chorus had even more of a gang vocal kind of sound to it, I'm thinking of something like Old Man Gloom- Eden's Gates. You can hear that it's been double tracked a few times but it's not very noticeable. It seems the...
  4. thisiswhywefight

    What do you think of this guitar tone?

    sounds good by itself but yeah it depends greatly on how the rest of the instrumendts soun
  5. thisiswhywefight

    New Song (prog metal) Some Feedback please!

    What are you using for drums? The snare sounds especially nasty, but I understand the limitations here. The rest of the song sounds pretty great.
  6. thisiswhywefight

    Eq Tips

    I've never heard of anyone high passing guitars up to 200hz, except if you're going for a certain effect. I tend to stay away from filters in general
  7. thisiswhywefight

    Lo-fi radio effect

    good idea
  8. thisiswhywefight

    Do you ever pitch-shift your songs to see which you prefer?

    The sound of a whole mix pitch shifted is a bit grating even using a quality pitch so I never really have. I wouldn't be opposed to rerecording a whole song in a different key if there were two keys I was unsure of but that's a lot of work lol.
  9. thisiswhywefight

    Lo-fi radio effect

    yeah izotope vinyl rules for that kind of effect. It's hard to use it subtley though
  10. thisiswhywefight

    Superior Drummer having problems in Reaper

    I've had that pop too, but I normally start a song with a few measures of silence that I cut out later anyway so I've never had an issue with it. Never had any issues with drums dropping out. If you're using a fair amount of vsts or effects and that's causing cpu usage issues, you could try...
  11. thisiswhywefight

    How to get that "muted" intro type effect on guitars?

    one of my least favorite production cliches tbh, but it can sound pretty rad when done right
  12. thisiswhywefight

    VST Plugins Thread

    sounds great, I downloaded it
  13. thisiswhywefight

    Creating A Concept Album - tips, thoughts, general discussion

    I've tried my hands at concept albums before and to be honest it takes a lot of creative control to put ideas across with any sort of clarity. So mad respect to anyone who can manage to do a concept album well, and there's certainly quite a few good concept albums (The Wall in particular is...