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    Wow these pics make me drool... :P one question did the Nazgul have the feedback issue also before you put it into the RGAIX or did it occur after? I have an SGR with Nazgul/Sentient (without feedback) and I'm soon getting the RGAIX and was wondering about this issue before I swap the pups...
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    Thomann Alternatives

    Just to be clear, I'm not saying that Thomann is bad or good, I 'm just stating the fact that I find it a bit disappointing making people believe they are getting a really good deal when it's certainly not the case. I buy from Thomann any other day cause they do most of the time have cheapest...
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    Thomann Alternatives

    Does anyone know of any alternatives to Thomann in the EU, I live in Malta. I have noticed that although Thomann can sometimes have the best prices, it usually isn't. They put this 'saled' price on an item and show you it's original price (crossed) which usually is way higher and tell you you'll...
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    Need advise on new gear

    Cheers man! how would you setup the pod or whatever that may be in a live situation? guitar>(pod)>amp clean channel>cab? with amp/cab sim on or else?
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    Need advise on new gear

    cheers for the tip :) what do you think about the HD pro? is it worth it or better to look somewhere else? the net is flooded with pro and cons reviews about it which end up in confusion.
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    Need advise on new gear

    I'm looking in changing my rig setup for live gigs. Currently I'm running a schecter C7 with nazgul and sentient through guitar rig 5 into clean channel of a Marshall AVT50H with Laney HCM412A cab. now since in most live situations you would use the back line provided I'm more interested in...
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    The Pickup DI Track Thread

    Does anyone have a DI for Seymour Duncan Nazgul 7 strings?
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    Ibanez RGD necks

    I already did and they said they don't do baritone components at the moment. :(
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    Ibanez RGD necks

    Hi I'm new here and not sure if this is the right place to post however I need help in finding an Ibanez RGD7321 neck like the one in the photo. I tried searching ebay and other sites but with no luck. I live in Malta, EU and shipping is sometimes a pain however any links and help are greatly...