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  1. Briz

    Some guitars are too funny not to post

  2. Briz

    Do thich picks (1.5mm+) suck?

    Here I am thinking $8 is expensive for a single gravity pick. As much as my picks disappear, there's no way I'm paying $40 for a single pick.
  3. Briz

    Do thich picks (1.5mm+) suck?

    I've always been a jazz iii .88 guy. After reading through this thread, I ordered quite a few of the recommendations to experiment. I've gotta say, this gravity big mini sunrise 2 polished solves quite a few problems for me, and it's extremely comfortable. Thanks for dropping that recommendation.
  4. Briz

    broken ibanez prestige headstock

    We need an AI image of Quentin Tarantino curb stomping a Kiesel guitar while giving Tosin Abasi a high five. Abasi needs to be rocking an import Ormsby.
  5. Briz

    broken ibanez prestige headstock

    I didn't even know Quentin Tarantino played guitar.
  6. Briz

    broken ibanez prestige headstock

    Almost all SSO threads I read can be predicted through the following if/then chart's inputs and outputs: If: Simple and polite Then: Massive drama + meltdown If: Rude & obnoxious Then: Massive drama + meltdown :argue: :lol: Grab the popcorn...
  7. Briz

    I had 5 of my Guitars Stolen - What do I need to do Next?

    In my personal experience, "possession is 9/10ths of the law," rings true in the states which I've lived. I had a guitar stolen many years ago. I couldn't prove that the guitar was mine, so the thief was allowed to keep the guitar. The only pictures I had were random pictures people took at...
  8. Briz

    "Not Worth its own thread" Thread

    The lead singer looks like Gary Busey's and L. Ron Hubbard's illegitimate child.
  9. Briz

    Humidity problems

    You can try salt buckets or a ton of DampRid to combat high humidity without the noise.
  10. Briz

    Humidity problems

    85% is extreme. I keep mine between 50% - 55%. In the winter, I swap the dehumidifier out with a humidifier because the heat drops the humidity down to 39% some months. You shouldn't see damage at 50%. Are you getting that 50% number from the dehumidifier or a hygrometer? My dehumidifier...
  11. Briz

    Aristides Guitars

    Anyone here have a suggestion for hardshell or moulded case that fits an 070 standard?
  12. Briz

    Some memes for (Rules Posted in OP -- Please Read)

    You had one job, AYAIC marketing department...
  13. Briz

    How did you decide on the DAW you're using?

    It's always fun to open Avid Link and have to wait 45 minutes for updates to download, just for the final update to fail. Then, logging into myavid, downloading the latest version, reinstalling, and getting multiple errors when loading a session. Good times.
  14. Briz

    How did you decide on the DAW you're using?

    I use Pro Tools because 1) it was once the industry standard and easy to share sessions, and 2) because it's what I've always used in the past when in the studio and at home. Every year when it's time to renew, Reaper starts to look more and more appealing.
  15. Briz

    Any Bill Burr fans?

    Met him and had a couple drinks after a comedy show. He's one of my top 5 GOAT comedians.
  16. Briz

    NGD: Verso Instruments - Orbit Baritone 28.5" - Folded Steel Body

    I don't know what I'm looking at, but I want to play it.
  17. Briz

    Microphone preamps

    I have the Clarett+ 8Pre and Warm Audio Tone Beast. I think both are are great preamps. They cover all aspects of what I need - cleans through screams. It was trial and error when pairing with the right mics. I mainly use a U87ai clone, a Mojave tube mic, and an SM7B with a cloudlifter.
  18. Briz

    Aristides Guitars

    Don't you dare crush my dream...