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  1. Rolanthas

    Nick Menza dead at 51

    The .... is wrong with you, year 2016? What the ....?
  2. Rolanthas

    Elixer Nanoweb vs D'Addario NYXL

    Elixir Nanos for me, no contest. I've been using them for close to a decade now, 10-46 and 10-52's. I change it up with an EB or NYXL every once in a while, and it's horrifying to see other sets lose their broken-in sweet spot in 2-3 weeks while Elixir's can hold that for 3 months or so easily (...
  3. Rolanthas

    Nita Strauss new Ibanez LACS

    Oh I remember those inlays from a buddies' SZ ( mine has the single flame on 12th, so his should have been a second run iirc ). Nita's previous RGT320Z was quite close to my ideal. Couldn't manage to locate one in anything other than sunburst and variants here though.
  4. Rolanthas

    What do you do with your old strings?

    No metal recycling bins where I live, and yeah it irks me to no end just throwing them away with the regular trash. D'addario's initiative is awesome, and it should be spread to other manufacturers asap just by how much waste instrumentalists create. Unfortunately it's not supported where I...
  5. Rolanthas

    Strandberg OS7 or Schecter KM-7 Mk2 or...

    Bummer you don't have an opportunity to try a Strandberg out. I've been looking into them out of curiousity and for all intents and purposes, almost everyone says you have to try them out if only to see the endurneck. That seems to be the biggest aspect that sways a potential buy. Incredibly...
  6. Rolanthas

    NGD: Lionheart Balkatora 7 "Inanis"

    What the hell?! I wasn't planning on being deathly jealous today, but alright. Goddamn.
  7. Rolanthas

    NGD! Ibanez Prestige SZ4020FM

    These SZ's, with a couple of changes in scale and frets etc, would be my ideal guitar. Used a 520qm for the last 10 ish years, and I really had major trouble adjusting to anything else I've bought until very very recently. Just ridiculously well built and playable pieces. Such a shame Ibby...
  8. Rolanthas

    Brent Hinds Epiphone Signature / He's pissed at Gibson content

    I won't do the same mistake I did with Jeff Waters' first sig. I actively put off buying it when it was in stock everywhere for years and years, then sold out in like a weeks time after it was discontinued. Still can't even locate a second hand one where I live. Missed the only listing I've seen...
  9. Rolanthas

    Nita Strauss interview with The Captain

    While she certainly gets attention due to being a female in a ridiculously male populated genre / instrument, she is also a much, much better instrumentalist than how it comes across in this video. Andertons are doing artist Q&A videos more frequent lately. Hope that continues.
  10. Rolanthas

    Why are you mad right now?

    Wow, that's outright ridiculous. The pettiness of it alone is laughable. Hope the ad revenue was worth it. Should we just paypal the dude some cash whenever we need to make a negative post about Carvin? Just to make up for the potential loss of magical ad money, which is obviously more...
  11. Rolanthas

    I shot my first music video. Opinions?

    As someone who've had to meddle in almost all aspects of quite a lot of music videos as an undergrad, must say that is quite well done! Simple but effective use of framing, color, motion and blends with the music just fine. And the fancier ideas were tastefully used imho. Kudos to the whole crew.
  12. Rolanthas

    Generation Axe Supergroup & Tour - Vai, Malmsteen, Wylde, Nuno & Tosin

    Except for Nuno, who refuses the very concept of aging it seems. Very interesting lineup, and optimistic side of me kinda hopes Zakk goes out of his comfort zone during these a bit.
  13. Rolanthas

    New Dream Theater song - The Gift of Music

    I've been trying to like it for a week now, feel like I gave it a fair shot, and it just doesn't do it for me. DT are of course free to do whatever they feel like, but this is just too much cheese and grandiosity for me. I'll come back to the album at points probably, but yeah enough for now.
  14. Rolanthas

    ZAKK WYLDE Launches his own brand

    Yeah V's look quite alright, actually very excited about how those turn out. Single cuts are kinda ok depending on the paint job, I really dig the matte black one despite that overkill horn. Schecter has a pretty big presence where I live, so chances are good that WA can be distributed through...
  15. Rolanthas

    EBMM JP16

    Yup, his guitar world interview was basically: " So this is JP16, 16 years with Music Ma-ANYWAY DID I SHOW YOU THE MAJESTY, I REALLY LIKE THE MAJESTY!" JP16 is really just a meek "wut?", especially at that price point considering how the line evolved these past years.
  16. Rolanthas

    Have you ever paid too much for a guitar?

    Well local stores usually stock up at twice the price of EU MSRP, and most of the time much more than that when it comes to higher end stuff. And you almost always need to pay half of it upfront in collateral if you want to try a US made guitar. So yeah, my Ibanez Sz520qm was the last guitar...
  17. Rolanthas

    Bjorn Gelotte Signature Model is coming...

    For what it's worth, Andertons in UK gives the date as 15 June. Could be a placeholder of course.
  18. Rolanthas

    Took a break to focus on university, now I suck.

    Oh damn, that sounds frustrating.
  19. Rolanthas

    What made you pick up a seven+ string?

    I am rather new here, and admittedly I joined with the intent of only lurking around standard and music discussion topics. But, of course, I've immediately begun reading and watching the extended range guitar topics, since it seems like a fascinating new road I have zero experience with. I am...