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  1. C

    Universal Jems - any alternative?

    Hey all, I used to order from Brian a bit in the past and I know he passed away unfortunately ( I think in 2019?). Was wondering if anyone here knew if there were any other places to get the JPM decals for the Ibanez's -- I've looked as much as possible but have had no luck and thought maybe I'd...
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    Lightweight FRFR Suggestions?

    Oh wow that actually checks off all boxes haha. I might buy two of them tomorrow! Will test em out. Thank you!
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    Lightweight FRFR Suggestions?

    Hey there, I pretty much use a Helix for 99% of my live gigs now and currently run it through an Line 6 L2T. I love the L2T and I think it's perfect. I use it as a back line/stage volume speaker and then go to FOH directly from the Helix. Right now I only have one and plan on picking up a...
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    Talk me out of this guitar

    Colour is fading. Nothing that impacts the actual integrity/quality. It's purely cosmetic. I don't mind it personally but I can see it being an issue for others. I think it's the finish. When I have a chance I'll post pictures of what I mean.
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    Talk me out of this guitar

    I have two. I made a post yesterday talking about how I use them exclusively. I've owned probably 15 7 strings over the last 16 years or so. The Majestys are never leaving. Everything else I've gotten rid of (including all my JP models). Only other guitar I now have is an RG7421 which is my...
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    Rate Your 7 String Guitars

    Except for 1 Fender Strat I've pretty much owned only 7s. Owned most EBMM JP models and switched in and out of them until the Majesty. Instead of 1 post per guitar I'd rather just write a short sentence of the ones that stick out so I don't flood the thread My first 7 was an Ibanez RG7321 I got...
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    Random Pics of Your Sevens

    Just got her today
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    Hey guys, Figured this would be appreciated here. Ordered these in Oct 2015 and they're finally here. Majesty 7 Artisan and a Mesa JP2C. I always had the Iced Crimson 7(Posted previously)
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    NGD! Ibanez RG7421

    I love it. I'm from Canada and the dollar is pretty .... so I think I paid more than I should have (but that's my own fault) I was just being impulsive. That being said it's a fantastic guitar for my hands. Finish was flawless, no issues. the build quality was unreal for an Indonesian guitar...
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    NGD! Ibanez RG7421

    I know there's a lot of these. Not sure why I'm so in love with this guitar but I am. Got impatient waiting for the Artisan Majesty to come in so I ordered this and it came in wayyy faster than expected I had a couple Ibanezes in the past (7321 was my first 7 string). Saw this one, fell in...
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    NAD: JP-2C !

    I've been waiting for mine. Congrats!!!!
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    The EB MusicMan 7 Club

    Yes it does. It's the Mystic Dream Colour. It does switch from purple to green. Thanks!!
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    The EB MusicMan 7 Club

    Here's my collection of EBMM. I also have an Artisan Majesty on the way! Sweet guitars everyone.
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    Omnisphere or Logic X? Looking for Midi/Synth Solution

    Reason also gives you a lot to work with in my opinion
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    Gear for practising?

    If you're just starting out you don't need anything crazy, I'd recommend some tracking headphones. The HD280s are a good investment in my opinion. With your budget I would not recommend Monitors if your room isn't treated. Other people might have better input on this though. Personally I'd put...
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    Gear for practising?

    You pretty much answered your own questions! Every thing you said is right. The computer you use doesn't really matter, I'm a PC guy but I prefer Windows 7 so I'm not sure how 8 works with any DAWs. So I would think that the MacBook would be a safer option. What is your budget? All you...
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    NGD: EBMM Majesty Content! W/ Clip

    I have the exact same one :) Got a JP7 I'm using as well. I prefer the Majesty not going to lie. Congrats dude. Enjoy it .