Search results

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    New Within The Ruins (Drop C0)

    There are videos man, raw camera audio. I 100% believe Jason's solos are genuinely tracked. Now lee however... :noplease:
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    Animals As Leaders MEGATHREAD

    and the rest was history...
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    New Agile Headless Sample

    Reminds me of Kiesel's Holdsworth sig, I love it!
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    The 0th octave club! (For those of us who tune below C1)

    I've been trawling through this thread for a while, and I don't know if you guys have seen this but it's gotten me pretty inspired: and Ever since I heard Meshuggah's Spasm I've been tuning down to Bb0 on a 25.5" 7, call me...
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    What ERG Strings do you use?

    My question is, what guitar are you playing a G#0 on? Also the website is working for me, may be some problem with your interwebs or computer.
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    7s under $1500

    I think I'm going with something in sock at kiesel for sure, thanks for all the help guys
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    7s under $1500

    I would love to go for an Ibanez prestige seven, but I don't know how the PAF 7 pups would hold up until I could get the cash for some other dimarzios or maybe something from bare knuckle.
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    7s under $1500

    Does anyone have any luck tuning to drop g# on a 25.5 inch scale? I know it's definitely doable, but I like to have the strings in the higher register a little thinner.
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    7s under $1500

    I would prefer passives, and a 26.5 inch scale, but those aren't major issues
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    7s under $1500

    In the market for a new 7, need some suggestions on what to get. RULES: No floyd rose, no schecter, and I would like to not have to upgrade pickups.
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    7s under $1500

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    What albums would you like to see remastered/rerecorded?

    There are rumors that the new reign will be rerecorded in 2017 :D it would be sweet to see the common mans collapse redone as well.
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    NGD The Iceman cometh

    any RG im pretty sure
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    NGD The Iceman cometh

    Where did you find the neck?
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    Weird tunings

    I really like the adadgbe tuning
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    After the Burial Rig Rundown

    Justin got this tight low end that really set them apart from other people who play that type of thing, and I still am trying to emulate it!