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  1. Ji Sung

    How long do you go before changing strings?

    Once a month or so, just to keep things fresh. I could probably go longer if I had to since I always wash my hands beforehand.
  2. Ji Sung

    What guitar do you wish existed, but currently does not?

    A production line PRS (Ideally S2) 7 string with a trem. An 8-string version would be cool too.
  3. Ji Sung

    Best 7 String Around $1k?

    If the Holcomb SVN is even half has good as the 6 string, it'd be well worth the money.
  4. Ji Sung

    PRS Mark Holcomb SVN for 2020

    Holy shit, I'm the first comment in that video. The walnut looks sexy though.
  5. Ji Sung

    57 Classic Humbucker, best alternative for 7 string?

    I wonder if anyone will ever try Lollar Imperials for 7 string.
  6. Ji Sung

    Drop-A both .066 and .070 seem flappy

    I use a 59 for Ab. And I pick really hard. Using thin picks certainly helps as well.
  7. Ji Sung

    Single guitarist recording tracking

    I use this thing called a tone knob. I have it all the way up when I record on one side and turn it down to 8 or so on the other.
  8. Ji Sung

    Lowest tuning for 25.5" scale 7-string?

    Mark from Periphery used his wine JP7 for Ragnarok, which has a low F#. Granted he has a professional tech, but that's still a 25.5 inch neck. Not sure what string gauge he used though.
  9. Ji Sung

    What DAW do i really want?...

    If $300 for a DAW is steep, just wait until you start wanting to buy plugins. But really, it's a matter of preference at this point. You have people who swear by Reaper. You have people who tell you that Pro Tools is the "industry standard". And so on. I chose Studio One because Keith Merrow...
  10. Ji Sung

    Sterling JP157 Drop G# String Gauge

    Sithu Aye uses a 10-59 on his sevens in Drop Ab/G#. His guitars are also 25.4 inches, so there's even less tension.
  11. Ji Sung

    Hey, how's this mix?

    So, after my mix of binz's snazzy track, I wanted to try something else. I found this on the UM Andy Sneap forum, saw that Sithu Aye played on it, and I had to try my hand at it. Pretty much everything was stock plugins other than an L1 clone on the Master bus...
  12. Ji Sung

    Favorite PC amp sims in 2018?

    I hate to be crass, but...LePou LeGion. Nick Crow's 7170 is the bee's knees as well. :2c:
  13. Ji Sung

    Help my Mix / Master (original song, atmospheric, tool / tesseract influence)

    @binz I took a whack at it. It's my first rock/metal mix and my first with vocals, so don't expect much XD
  14. Ji Sung

    Help my Mix / Master (original song, atmospheric, tool / tesseract influence)

    Yeah, that's what I meant. No worries.
  15. Ji Sung

    Help my Mix / Master (original song, atmospheric, tool / tesseract influence)

    @binz Do you still have the DIs (If there were any)?
  16. Ji Sung

    Jason Richardson Signature EBMM?

    Tell that to Jake Bowen.
  17. Ji Sung

    6 string pickup shootout. No bull, no frills.

    Have you thought about trying Lollar Imperials?
  18. Ji Sung

    Microphones for heavy guitar besides the SM57

    I was at a show in Portland the other day and they were using an Edwina from Ear Trumpets Lab. I believe Intervals uses them live as well.
  19. Ji Sung

    What guitar picks do you use ?

    Dunlop Tortex TIII .50 mm. Sometimes I'll use a .60 for bass, but anything else feels odd.
  20. Ji Sung

    Kemper vs Load Box for quiet recording?

    Have you tried the FAS models? I was quite impressed when I tried them, especially the FAS 6160 and FAS Modern. The FAS Brootalz is really cool for low tuned stuff as well. Just watch your gain and don't be afraid to actually move knobs around.