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  1. thepunisher

    I've got a big problem!

    if my hands get too cold, i either use warm water, or these instant heat wrap things.
  2. thepunisher

    Gear setup

    tech 21 is a great company. Have you ever used the pritchard amp? for the price it is outrageous, but man, does it have some nice sounds. polytone thas a great clean as well.
  3. thepunisher

    I started chemo today....

    Best of luck to you, and hope you have a fast and complete recovery.
  4. thepunisher

    The Flask Thread!

    i want one. what about a \m/ on it?
  5. thepunisher

    Gear setup

    Thank you Drew. I always hold your insights in high regards. By the way, who ever said i was a solid state fan? maybe i'm just poor, and it's really all i can afford. hell, i'd love a mesa, but i've got other bills to pay right now. By pointing out a few famous examples of the use of...
  6. thepunisher

    Gear setup

    completly fucking wrong. they clip, which means at higher volumes, they do not perform as well as a tube amp. But tube amps DO NOT usually perform well at low volume levels. And you can always run an amp through a P.A. I believe it is a bit of a trade off. it is a common misconception...
  7. thepunisher

    Gear setup

    i have never heard about powerstate amps. let your ears be the judge of the quality and tone. this means that they use one or two tubes as a sound shaping method. a preamp is where you dial in the tone, while a power amp boosts it. in this case, the tubes will give you the gain(think...
  8. thepunisher

    Yates not guilty by reason of Insanity

    In response to TDW, Son of Sam used the excuse that a dog told him to kill the people. Later, he admitted to faking it in order to attempt to get a lighter sentence. (edit) I am not saying she isn't crazy, I am just saying faking insanity is a possibility.
  9. thepunisher

    Help me with my headstock?

    no problem dude. i look forward to seeing more completed works from you.
  10. thepunisher

    Hodgkins Patient Court Battle

    doctors going behind patients is an interesting ethical question. In my opinion, seeking court intervention in ALL cases violates privacy. Morally, however, not all cases are equal. And this case is a no brainer. Let the 16 year olds decision hold. Assuming this is over money, while it...
  11. thepunisher

    Help me with my headstock?

    yes. i understand that, and the new drawing seems to acomplish it.
  12. thepunisher

    Help me with my headstock?

    i think the reverse shape is nice, yet on the guitar it seems out of place. maybe it would be possible to make it smaller. the one on the left looks better.(edit)
  13. thepunisher

    Help me caption this pic!

    vibrates and thrusts like no other
  14. thepunisher

    Help me with my headstock?

    Unfortunatly, I am still having problems with the first link.
  15. thepunisher

    FS: My Ibanez Universe/Feline

    It is a beautiful guitar. If only money wasn't an issue......
  16. thepunisher

    Hodgkins Patient Court Battle

    Have any of you heard similar cases about lifesaving treatments, that the state has stepped into? For example, any of the 7 day evangalist cases with minors and blood transfusions/organ donation? If not, perhaps you should look into them and see a much longer history of government...
  17. thepunisher

    Help me with my headstock?

  18. thepunisher

    Help me caption this pic!

    3,2,1...blast off.
  19. thepunisher

    Religion really does drive people looney.

    Look at the religous reich in our own country. Need any further proof? People should have their own beliefs, and be happy not imposing them on others. Acts like that man's are his own choice, but in the large picture, are meaningless.
  20. thepunisher

    Yates not guilty by reason of Insanity

    I disagree with you Bostjan. Homocide is NOT a sign of insanity. In fact, many murderist have complete control over their actions, and maintain a "sane" mental state. I do agree with everything else you have said, however, and mean no offense to anyone and their viewpoints. She should...