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  1. seekfreed

    NGD: Does this count as a Les Paul?

    After selling my Ran Flying V I could not live without a guitar with Gibby scale length. Maybe the threads about Les Pauls inspired me to pull the trigger on this LTD EC-1000. But anyhow... Pics first Story second I sold my Custom Ran (rip) Flying V a couple of weeks ago because I...
  2. seekfreed

    Aviator Custom Build N°2

    Inspired by @Ross82 and his NGD thread I wanted to share some lazy pics I took after having recieved my Spitfire a few days ago. Unfortunately there have been some minor delays but the guitar finally arrived! Right now I'm wearing the rose tinted glasses and the honeymoon phase too fresh to give...
  3. seekfreed

    NGD: Aviator Custom Guitars

    Hell yeah, congrats and HNGD! Glad to hear that you are happy with yours. It looks beautiful and comfy, I really love the top. Mine came in last friday, there will be a NGD thread soon. Enjoy your new axe mate!
  4. seekfreed

    I finally get you guys! (Ibanez content inside)

    Well, after a few dabbles into Ibanez territory (PGM401-TFB, Xiphos and a cheap RG) I found myself not really connecting with the brand. Up until this point! Before I got this old girl I tried a Strandberg Boden for about half a year just to find that they are not for me as well. The build...
  5. seekfreed

    Aviator Custom Build N°2

    Time for an update! The guitar is basically done and needs a final setup before it will be shipped out to me. Once I've recieved it I will do a NGD and review after some time with it. Needless to say that I'm pretty amazed how it turned out (big bonus is the perfect weight [for me], it weighs...
  6. seekfreed

    Your favorite headstocks!

    Lets not forget this baby!
  7. seekfreed

    Your favorite headstocks!

    The title says it all. Show me your favorites! Be it stockcocks or Dean forks, post em! Here are mine: Modern yet classy Regius headstock, I just love this shape (Pic of my old Mayo that I sold) It's hard to beat a classic!
  8. seekfreed

    NGD Rusti Guitars Lotus #1 headless

    Man, this troll must be morbidly obese by now after this 30 page long feeding frenzy... 😂
  9. seekfreed

    NGD Rusti Guitars Lotus #1 headless

    After reading this dumpster fire of a thread I was totally on your side because I was in a similar but way less dramatic situation (not being satisfied with a 4k guitar) but after seeing the way you talk to folks and your dishonesty in the reverb description (especially after the gymnastics you...
  10. seekfreed

    Burning Hot Metal Takes

    Basically @All
  11. seekfreed

    Aviator Custom Build N°2

    Time for some pics! So far the body and neck are almost done. There are some minor details that I want Jan to change before the finish can be applied. I can't wait to finally play that thing!
  12. seekfreed

    NGD: Aviator Predator 7

    HNGD!!! No clue how I have missed an Aviator post... Glad to hear that you like it. I almost jumped on the same run but decided to go the custom route again. Personally I prefer my Aviator to my Mayones and Ran (I actually sold my custom Regius 6 to fund another Aviator build) and if my second...
  13. seekfreed

    Aviator Custom Build N°2

    Slowly it's takin form! The neck is going to be my favorite part for sure!
  14. seekfreed

    Great looking combo amps?

    I cant help it, but I love the simplicity of this gem!
  15. seekfreed

    NGD: Hapas Sludge 628

    Man, what a beauty!
  16. seekfreed

    NGD: It's an LP and what an LP

    I don't think that I've ever seen a Les Paul that beautiful! Congrats dude!
  17. seekfreed

    Aviator Custom Build N°2

    Well ... I've done it again. I've ordered me another Aviator! But pics first: Mockup All them woods The crazy flame on the pale moon ebony fretboard I went for a classic/contemporary hybrid build again because it worked out perfectly with the last one. Vintage looks and modern...
  18. seekfreed

    Talk me down, fellas..

    Anytime I feel the gas creeping up I try to spend more time with my killer guitars and just play them more. Then I realize that there is absolutely nothing that I "need" and that the new potential guitar would have to be a significant step up to justify the purchase. Just play your Suhr more...