Search results

  1. agriefobserved

    Mesa Boogie Mark V, Bogner Uberkab, TC Elec G-system

    Ill take that Uberkab off your hands
  2. agriefobserved

    Mesa Boogie Mark V, Bogner Uberkab, TC Elec G-system

    wanna trade that uberkab for my prized 1965b marshall lead cab, vintage all original, and sound great plus cash. Gunner Ebay Nith-907
  3. agriefobserved

    ENGL SE EL34 and Bogner Uberkab (Mint)

    How about trade a vintage marshall 1965b lead cabinet plus a 125 bucks. Gunner OBO
  4. agriefobserved

    What is your Dream Set-Up?

  5. agriefobserved

    Worthless NAD thread - Krank vs. VHT content

    Kranks get a really bad rep here, My buddy has got a Rev1+ and let me tell you what, I was suprised when we jammed. It sounded killer with my VHT Pittbull and when you run em together in stereo its absolutley awsome.
  6. agriefobserved

    ENGL invader or Rivera Kr7

    That Rivera has an awsome thick and grinding tone thats really articulate and powerfull. You wont be dissapointed -Gunner
  7. agriefobserved

    VHT Deliverance D60

    Still for sale or trade?
  8. agriefobserved

    DAR Amps - New vids (1 with 7 string)

    Sounds very tight and articulate, and looks straight nasty!!
  9. agriefobserved

    What is your Dream Set-Up?

    Wizard Modern Classic, Diezel Herbert, VHT Deliverance 120, Bogner Uberschall, Van Den Hul cables, into Uberkabs, Into Blackmachine B7, with La Bella's also Van den Hul cable's. lol
  10. agriefobserved

    GAS: Fargen Mighty Plex MK II

    Because its a fargen and demands evey bit of praise.:bowdown:
  11. agriefobserved

    Bulb - Somewhat Glitchy and Djenty new song!

    I Love That SHAAAT!!!
  12. agriefobserved

    100 Watt Bulb (Inspired By His Djentedness.. The Bulb aka Misha Mansoor) (unfinished)

    Now all he has to do is get an orange 412 and an Engl Invader like half the people on this forum. Nah just kidding-keep it up
  13. agriefobserved

    Jp7 bfr + elmwood modena 60 +torpedo

    Nice Tooone!!
  14. agriefobserved

    VHT Pitbull 50CL or 100?

    The older pittbulls can use either el34 or 6l6 type tubes with the flick of the switch. This was before the UL, and after its conception they dropped that feature from the CLs arsanel.
  15. agriefobserved

    The Tube Thread

    Uberschall with (GT)KT77s:evil::bowdown::metal:
  16. agriefobserved

    Ampage...i need a support network before i stab myself in the face.

    Orange Rockerverb/Rivera KR-7/VHT Pittbull UL
  17. agriefobserved

    River KTRE?
